Love is a very special thing that happens to us, isn’t it? The charm, the passion, and the belief that you can do anything and be anything – all you need to do is be together! But, there is no denying the complaints of some lovebirds that the bright flames of a marvelous notion of ‘together forever’ start to lose their warmth after some time. All relationships start with the magical moments that we never want to let go of (or the honeymoon phase, as we call it). But, the trouble is that fiery craze starts to slip through our hands and it feels like there’s nothing you can do about it.
But one thing that I’d like to make crystal clear here is that you should NOT confuse this with lack of love. There are so many elements that form a relationship and love just happens to be one of them. Love is the most beautiful and quite unapparent mystical thread that binds your very souls together and it only grows deeper and stronger with the time that you spend together. But the question that remains is: what is the lost feeling that you experience then?
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Well, unlike love, there are many other exciting and (sadly for you) ‘fickle in nature’ elements that nurture your relationship. What I’m talking about is the passion, the intimacy quotient, the affection, and the trembling desires that are the transient, but heartbreakingly vital components of your relationship. While love is the soul, these are the energy of your ‘togetherness.’ So what if they are effortless in your honeymoon phase? Worry no more, people in love, as I’ve got some amazing tips that are going to rekindle that zeal and the lovely insanity in your life. Here’s how to make your boyfriend want you more.
1. When you want him to want you – be desirable!
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Please don’t take this the wrong way, I know that you’re lovely, and trust me – I believe you’re awesome! But what I’m trying to tell you here is that find out what your partner’s definition of desirable is. Communicate with each other openly about your wants and needs. In the beginning, both of you are a mystery to each other but as you get to know each other better, don’t you think it’s a good idea to give each other the kind of love you both want? (Oh yes, it is the best!)
2. Understanding the secrets is always the key – know what triggers the passion sensors of your loved one
Yes, you have to find out the specific ways you can make your partner happy. What is it that he simply can’t resist? Ask yourself what makes his eyes shine. Pay attention to what he likes, and when you give him a platter full of everything he desires, there’s no substitute for that.
3. Sometimes a little less can leave him wanting more, so why not try the trick?
You heard me right (and I’m not talking about cutting his diet short, ha!). What I ask of you is to hold back a little, but at the right time. Take this – woo him, lure him to his highest, and then tease him a bit and leave him wanting more!
4. Talk, there’s no better seduction than the language of love
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Whether it’s talking with intimate words or just your body language, communication is key. All you need to do is communicate your feelings to him, and when he gets what you have to say, nothing will make him want you more.
5. Every now and then, you need to realize how perfect you are for each other – so, bond!
When you realize how similar you are – whether in terms of your interests or likes and dislikes, the trust and fun level automatically builds up between you. So, engage in some recreational activities that he likes, play that game of chess, take him out dancing, and go on that long drive. It’ll definitely enhance your relationship and keep you feeling close.
6. Time is the magical ingredient, spare some – and see your relationship improve
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Time is the best present you can give anyone, so give it to him generously. Reassure him of how much he means to you by setting aside time to be together. There’s no better way of making him realize that you crave him and his company than by spending quality time with him. The keyword here is ‘quality time.’ And not just spending it together, but utilizing this time to connect with him like you used to at the start of your relationship.
7. Never shy away! When you promise everything to each other, never hold yourself back (and the wonders it work will amaze you)
Whether it is expressing your love or expressing your particular desires, you should share it all with him. Don’t feel shy about what he’ll say or how he’ll take it; just let it out. He’ll not only love it, but will also feel more connected to you as well.
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8. Keep some mischief and naughtiness as the special on the menu
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
This is a sure shot answer to how to make your boyfriend want you more – get your seductive and mischievous mode on, and make him realize you’re in the mood for some fun. Go and undo one button of his shirt as he is getting dressed. Put your hands in his pocket, fiddle, and get those keys out like you want nothing more than for him to stay and play hooky!
9. You have to remember the concept of hunting (Hunting, oh yeah, why not!)
What I mean to say is, don’t always rush to make the first move. At times, let him come to you as well. This way, you’ll be assured that there is balance in the relationship. Men, however evolved they may be, like the fact that they need to put in that effort to woo a woman and have her by his side. It makes them feel confident and strokes their ego.
10. It’s not always love, sometimes it’s other flavors as well
Image source: Pinterest
Some people have their heart unconditionally connected to delicious delicacies, so go ahead and get cooking. Your lover has the flavors he likes, just keep an eye out, and you’ll know in time what to serve him!
11. Those tiny changes can go a long way in promising the results you seek, so make them work
Find out what he doesn’t like and what puts him off (if there’s anything at all). From the big topics to the slightest changes, like the temperature of the room or the fact that he likes caramelized onions instead of raw ones. Figure it out, change it, and see the magic.
12. Cook the right love potion, and you’re back in business
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Here’s an example of the to-do list you can have –
Draw his attention
Claim his affection
Earn your stay in his thoughts
Fire his passion
13. Don’t hold your deep-in-love self back from using any and all tactics (always give it your best shot!)
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Make every detail count when it comes to your love. Use everything from the perfect surroundings to the dim lights, some musical background to the foreplay, the irresistible magic of fragrances, the food, lingerie that would make his heart pound with anticipation and more – all of these things add up. No need to feel self-conscious. If you love him and trust him, these should be cakewalk for you!
14. Space and time can play a game-changing role here (Just play your cards right)
You have to give him some space and have some for yourself (FYI: don’t be too clingy, people in general don’t like that very much). Let him build up his desire for you in your absence. Let him have that regular boys’ night out while you go partying with the girls. Don’t invade his man-cave. Let him have his space and privacy. As he spends time alone, he’s sure to miss you and is bound to come looking for you!
15. The most important thing for these fiery sentiments is feeling natural. So, never overdo it
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Along with so many must-dos, I’d like to suggest some don’ts as well. You know your partner better than almost anyone, so always think about his reactions when putting in all of this effort. So after you find out what triggers him, also figure out where to stop, and that is going to be unbeatable!
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16. Say the magical words, and mean it like your life depends on it
This might sound a little old school, but believe me when I say that nothing can beat the magic of right words. It could be the L-word for most, or that special magical word might be something else entirely. So, find out what makes their motor running and when you figure it out, you’ll have the key to driving them crazy!
Sometimes, we just want to get it right so badly that we miss the bigger picture. The love in your relationship should ideally be reciprocated and both of you should be working to make each other happy. As far as the question of how to make your boyfriend want you more goes, these tips sound doable, don’t they? Yes, they are! So, try these out and I assure you, you’ll thank me for this one for sure. Cheers!
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License