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16 Most Effective Home Remedies To Cure Your Loss Of Appetite

Do you not feel hungry around meal times? Do you feel as if eating is a chore to be completed? Do you dread meal times, because you just don’t feel like eating? Then this article is for you.

Everyone experiences loss of appetite from time to time. And most often, it is temporary, and quite reversible. A loss of appetite is associated with psychological factors like stress, anxiety, and depression.

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Symptoms of loss of appetite

There are several symptoms associated with loss of appetite. Here are some of the prominent ones:

  • Acidity
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Cough
  • General malaise
  • Mood swings
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Decreased urine output
  • Unusual weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Mild fever

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Causes for loss of appetite

The most common causes for loss of appetite include:

  • Aging
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Pregnancy
  • Drug abuse
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Excessive smoking
  • Dehydration
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loss of smell and/or taste
  • Radiation treatment
  • Chemotherapy
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Kidney and/or liver failure
  • Hepatitis
  • Dementia
  • Viral and/or bacterial infections
  • Gallbladder inflammation
  • Certain medications
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Extreme weather conditions

Home remedies for loss of appetite

Whatever be the cause for your loss of appetite, there are effective home remedies that can help stimulate your appetite and make you look forward to meal times. However, if your appetite loss persists, in conjunction with rapid and/or significant weight loss, you will have to consult a trained medical professional to get yourself checked out, to rule out any underlying medical issue.

1. Apples


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Apples help in improving the digestion process, hence aid in stimulating hunger. Apples are composed of fibers that help make you feel full, without actually increasing the calorie count.


  • An apple a day sure does make you get your appetite back.

2. Alfalfa seeds

Alfalfa works best to improve your lost appetite by acting as an appetite stimulant and a natural blood and liver cleanser. Also, since it is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, and K, along with minerals like zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, it is beneficial for your overall health as well.


  • Include alfalfa seeds and sprouts in your dishes.
  • Put 1 teaspoon of dried alfalfa leaves in 1 cup of hot water, and let it steep for about 5-10 minutes. Drink this tea regularly for a few weeks to notice improvements.

Pro tip: You can add a bit of honey to the alfalfa tea to make it more flavorful.

3. Black pepper

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Black pepper is often used in traditional medicine to help improve digestion, increase appetite, and to treat gastrointestinal issues. Plus, it helps provide relief from flatulence too. In essence, black pepper helps stimulate the taste buds, and thereby improving digestion.


  • Mix together 1 tablespoon of jaggery powder and half a teaspoon of ground black pepper. Consume this regularly for a few days to see improvement.

Pro tip: If you have stomach ulcers, or have had abdominal surgery, then do NOT try this remedy. Try something else on this list.

4. Cardamom

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Cardamom works to overcome a loss of appetite by working as a warming digestive tonic. Not only does it relieve indigestion, acidity, and flatulence, it also improves appetite by stimulating the digestive juices’ secretion in the digestive system.


  • Grind some cardamom seeds and put it into your regular tea, and drink it.

Suggested read: Say bye bye to constipation with these natural home remedies

5. Carom seeds

Carom seeds are known to be very good for your digestive system, since they help increase appetite, while also helping treat flatulence and indigestion.


  • In some freshly squeezed lemon juice, add 3 tablespoons of carom seeds, and let it dry completely in a dark, dry place. Then, add in a little bit of black salt to this mixture. Ingest 1 teaspoon of this mixture along with warm water twice every day, for a few days to see your appetite returning.
  • A half hour before meals, simply chew half a teaspoon of carom seeds.

6. Cinnamon

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Cinnamon is known to stimulate hunger, which it does by lowering the blood sugar level in the body. It is also effective in treating vomiting and nausea, both of which are associated with loss of appetite.


  • Add a bit of cinnamon powder to honey, and spread this on your toast and eat it.
  • Sprinkling a bit of cinnamon powder over your porridge and/or muesli is another way to consume cinnamon.

7. Coriander

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Coriander juice is known to be an excellent remedy to improve your appetite, since it aids in the secretion of gastric juices. Plus, it’s good for relieving nausea, colitis, indigestion, and other such ailments.


  • Take a handful of coriander leaves, and extract its juice in a blender. Drink 1-2 tablespoons of this juice every day till you see a noticeable change in your appetite.

Pro tip: You could add a bit of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to it to make it more palatable.

8. Dandelion root

Dandelion root is an effective remedy against reversing loss of appetite, by regulating appetite and promoting healthy digestion. Plus, it helps treat any gall bladder and liver problems.


  • Boil 1 teaspoon of powdered dandelion root in a cup of water for about 5 minutes. Strain and drink this liquid after sweetening it with organic honey.

Pro tip: You could even add a cinnamon stick to this tea to add a bit more flavor to it.

9. Fenugreek

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Fenugreek seeds are effective in improving hunger, and in correcting the digestion process. It increases your appetite by reducing blood glucose levels, which in turn make your crave for carbohydrates.


  • Add fenugreek seeds to your dishes to increase the flavor.
  • Take 1 teaspoonful of fenugreek powder with some water every morning to see your appetite returning.

Pro tip: Be careful of your fenugreek seeds intake, as they can increase body weight.

10. Garlic

Garlic increases your appetite by stimulating the digestive system.


  • In a cup of water, boil 3-4 garlic cloves. Strain and cool the liquid, to which add the juice of half a lemon, and stir well. Drink this concoction twice every day till you see noticeable improvement.

11. Ginger

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Ginger is one of the most commonly used home remedies for loss of appetite, since it provides relief from indigestion, and is helpful in stimulating appetite. Additionally, ginger is helpful in relieving stomach aches as well.


  • Slice up an inch of dried ginger into small pieces, and boil them in 2 cups of water. Add a bit of honey to sweeten this tea, and drink this a few times a day to improve your appetite.
  • Slice up an inch of fresh ginger. Take half a teaspoon of this, and add a pinch of rock salt to it, and mix well. Eat this at least an hour before meals every day, to see your appetite returning. Repeat this remedy for at least 8-10 days to see visible improvement.

12. Grapes

Grapes contain mild acetic acid and sour juices, both of which are helpful in aiding the digestion process. Although grapes help stimulate hunger, they are also effective in helping maintain your weight.


  • Green or black, eat grapes in between meals to help stimulate your lost appetite.

13. Indian gooseberry

Indian gooseberry is most effective in increasing your lost appetite caused by gastrointestinal problems. It helps improve the functioning of the digestive tract, while also detoxifying the liver. Plus, when combined with honey, it reduces vomiting and nausea.


  • Put 1 tablespoon of Indian gooseberry powder in a cup of water, and let it sit overnight. The following morning, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a pinch of ground black pepper to it, and stir well. Drink this concoction regularly for a few months, on an empty stomach, to see your appetite improving.
  • Eat the tangy fruit in the form of a pickle, or the raw fruit with a bit of salt.
  • To a cup of water, add 2 teaspoons each of Indian gooseberry juice, lemon juice, and honey, and mix well. Drink this solution every day in the mornings on an empty stomach, to see your appetite returning. Follow this remedy for at least 3-4 months.

14. Oranges


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Oranges are known to be beneficial in helping reat appetite loss. Plus, they are rich in vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system. A win-win, right?


  • Eat oranges with a bit of pepper and ginger powder, at least three times a day to help improve your appetite.

15. Raisins

Raisins are one of the most common home remedies for loss of appetite. They are bursting with vital nutrients that can help boost your appetite in no time at all.


  • Eat raisins with a bit of salt and pepper to treat loss of appetite.

Suggested read: 15 super effective home remedies for an upset stomach

16. Tamarind


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Tamarind possesses laxative and carminative (ability to relieve flatulence) properties, which helps improve appetite.


  • Soften a bit of tamarind in water, and add a pinch of pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and a bit of sugar. Mix well and drink this concoction regularly till your condition improves.

These are all the amazingly effective home remedies for loss of appetite that truly work. However, if the loss of appetite has been persistent and no natural remedy works, then you might want to consult a trained medical professional to seek an opinion.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Article Name
16 Most Effective Home Remedies For Loss Of Appetite
Do you find meal times tedious and odious? Try these effective home remedies for loss of appetite to get your appetite back and start enjoying your meals!
Chaitra Ramalingegowda

Chaitra Ramalingegowda

I fell in love with storytelling long before I knew what it was. Love well written stories, writing with passion, baking lip-smacking-finger-licking chocolate cakes, engaging movies, and home-cooked food. A true work-in-progress and a believer in the idiom 'all those who wander are not lost'. Twitter: @ChaitraRlg