Even though you go through several sets of friends in your life, there are few who remain, and few who are completely irreplaceable. If you are one of those people who have been blessed with a brother, then you should check out some pretty obvious signs your brother is your best friend in your life.
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Not only does the fact that you know each other since you were literally born ensure that there is no better friend than a brother, but also having a brother changes the way you make your way through life, because you go through the same things, and you have always got each other’s backs, no matter what. People make a huge deal about brothers from another mother, but sometimes, your actual brother takes the cake, when it comes to being your support system. Here are the signs your brother is your best friend for life.
1. You have the same inside jokes
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Because both you and your brother emerge from the same source and share the same context in life, there is a high chance that you have a host of lame and inappropriate jokes that no one else in the world would understand. You have code words for various situations, and you have your own sign language and secret communication method that even your parents fail to grasp.
2. Brutal honesty is the base of your relationship
A best friend is someone who has your best interest at heart, which is why they should treat you with absolute honesty and give their honest opinion about everything. Brothers literally have no filters when it comes to giving their honest opinion, and they really don’t hold back (after which is gets a bit much and you have to rap them in the head to make them stop). However, when they really mean well, or like something, they will tell you so with honesty, no holds bar.
3. He knows all the family drama
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When you are feeling cribby about your family, and you need to vent and complain and let off steam, there is no better place to go to, than your brother. He will not only be a patient listener, but also make sensible comments because he is also part of the same family, and knows exactly what you are feeling and what you are talking about. Best part is, brother’s always sympathise with you, and never take the other party’s side, which most friends fail to understand.
4. The most serious fight you have with them is about the last cookie
It is undeniably true that friends entail a lot of drama. Even a best friend will have some sort of fall out with you, or there will be some kind of misunderstanding because of which you won’t talk to each other for weeks. However, when your brother is your best friend, the most serious things that you fight about who ate the last cookie, or who finished the charge on who’s phone and who ate the biggest slice of pizza, after which you just go back to being BFFs.
5. No one protects you more fiercely than your brother
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Protecting their siblings is a condition that brother seem to be born with. It is true that you insult each other ruthlessly and there is no worse critic than your brother, but these seem to be privileges that are exclusively theirs. If someone else said anything or did anything to you, there is no one worse than your brother, because they will protect you with their life, and you know you would do the same.
6. You have too many memories with each other
There is no reason why your brother shouldn’t be your best friend because you have shared way too many memories together. Whether it was going on holiday, or growing up, or awesome throwback photos which you can recreate 20 years later, there is nothing you haven’t shared with your brother, which is they make the best pals to have in your life.
Suggested read: 20 Signs You Have Finally Found Your Best Friend For Life
7. You can tell them anything
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Your brother is so used to your weirdness that they aren’t even fazed by the weird things that you do anymore. Whether it is something weird, or completely inappropriate, or a lame joke that you wouldn’t dare tell anyone else for fear of social isolation, your brother is your go-to person. They know all your secrets, and you know all of theirs, and both of you were born from the womb knowing that these secrets cannot be betrayed ever, a promise that holds true for life.
8. They have seen you through all the highs and lows in your life
Your brother has seen you through literally every possible situation in life, whether you were having good days, or exceptionally bad days. Through every achievement, every failure, every major milestone, your brother has been there beside you and been there for you, something very few non-biologically connected best friends in the world could boast of.
9. You have exclusive monopoly over each other’s stuff
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There is no question of taking permission when it comes to taking each other’s stuff. The lines demarcating what belongs to who has been blurred long back, and you casually go out in your brother’s clothes, while your brother is the only person to whom your computer isn’t off-limits. This stems from an intense sense of trust and love, which you can’t possibly share with anyone who isn’t a sibling.
10. You don’t have to pretend to be someone else in front of your brother
People always feel the need to present the best version of themselves when they are with other people, no matter how close they are- even friends. Brothers however, are a whole different ball game altogether. They have seen the ugliest and the best versions of you, and they know who you are truly, as a person, so there is no need or reason to pretend in front of brothers.
11. All your friends know that you come in a pair
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There are very few things in life that your brother is not involved in, which also includes your social life. All your friends know about your brother, and they also know that there is nothing important that you would participate in without him. You are also friends with his friends, and you basically have a huge social circle of close people, with you and your brother at the centre of everything, always together.
12. They know exactly what to do to cheer you up
Everyone has bad days, and during those days, you need someone who will know exactly what to do to cheer you up. Whether you want a box of doughnut holes, or a warm bed at exactly 33˚C or the torn jumper from your childhood or any other random thing that could cheer you up immediately, your brother knows what to do, without exchanging a single word. If that doesn’t make him your bestest friend ever, I don’t know what does.
13. You are genetically programmed to have each other’s back
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It is not only familial obligation that makes you and your brother put each other before everyone else. It is almost like you are programmed to do whatever is required to love and protect each other, without even asking and thinking first. The answer to “will you do me a favour?” is always “yes” and never “first tell me what it is”, because you know you will do it for them. No matter what kind of a mess either of you get into, you know your brother has got you back, and he knows that you have got his.
14. You trust each other’s wisdom like gospel
No matter what the age gap between you two is, there is nothing that you don’t tell each other, and there is no one you would rather go to for advice that your brother. You always take what they say seriously, because you can tell them your problems without a context and they are sure to understand. You are also their go to person for advice and your trust in each other is absolute, because you would never give crap advice to each other.
15. He is super possessive about you
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The most pertinent adjective that you could use to describe your relationship with your brother is ‘protective.’ The moment either of you start seeing someone or go on a date with a person, they have to meet your siblings approval before you can commit to them fully. The same goes for someone your brother is seeing, because if someone broke their heart, you know you would punch their face in.
There are a million signs your brother is your best friend, signs you can’t ignore, and signs that show that a brother in your life is truly irreplaceable. No matter how violently you fight, or how much you insult each other, there is no better friend, no better confidante and no better support system than a brother, when you have one.
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