Alright girls, how many times have you realized that you somehow just don’t fit into the pinkish girly conventions society has laid out for you? Don’t even bother to count; I know that’s basically a daily occurrence. For some, this defying of gender subdivisions comes into play in an encouragingly healthy manner, but unfortunately for many others, it may leave them feeling like a misfit or an alien from another planet. Ah! If this is any comfort at all, know that you’re not alone in this.
Sad or happy, let’s just cherish the unique sparks of our person with these wonderful signs proving we’re not (and can never, ever be) a traditional girly girl.
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1. The TV tantrums
Oh yes, this is the first and the easiest sign telling us that we are different. Just think about the stuff that can make your channel-flipping stop during the lazy TV surfing. I can bet my hat that they’re never the soapy daily shows. With all due respect to the mushy-gushy love stories and the tear-stained series, the content of these kinds of shows will always be hard to non-ironically digest if you are not a girly girl.
2. The makeup madness
This is for those dud heads that think that not being a girly girl means a big NO for the makeup. Wake up, bimbos! If a girl is not a ‘mainstream’ girl, she doesn’t need to abandon the prettiness boosts from a little makeup. Yes, she may be confident with herself without the added beauty and shine of the makeup. However, it doesn’t say anywhere that touch-ups and the instinct to look our best are reserved for only girly girls. For God’s sake, I am totally in love with the magical kohl myself.
3. The decisive dressing
While we’re up with the fashion criterion, why leave out the dresses? All right, let me get this cleared; if you wish to dress good, lovely or even fabulous, there’s nothing wrong with that. All I meant to indicate was the monotony of your wardrobe. If you are not a girly girl, then pink will not be the end of the color world for you! Trust me on this, people; there are actual beauties that are so hung up on the pink fetish that they’ve stayed untouched from the mystery of black and class of mauves. Imagine that!
4. Ahem, ahem! The guys
Well, number four had to be the guy thing. When you’re not a girly girl, the majority of your usual buds will definitely be boys. And what makes you different from the conformist girly stereotypes is that you won’t judge a guy merely on how attractive he is. You might just be mature enough to admire and appreciate your man for so many of his other qualities and imperfections.
5. ’Cause your laptop is not just a grey or pink one
Now this one could sound a bit sarcastic, but I’ll just go on anyways. So, unlike many other females, you do not describe your technical possessions by just their color or how cuddly they are! Even if not entirely tech-savvy, you always have a pretty good fluency in basic technical know-how at least.
6. Let me take a selfie
Image source: Topyaps
The urge to click a selfie before getting onto anything is conceived as a modern-day convention of being girly. But thank heavens that that’s so not the deal with you. On the contrary, you find the snap-snap of duck faces very annoying and unattractive. Good for you!
7. You can say hello without hugs and kisses
Now this one’s a biggie. Isn’t this the stereotype with which we describe (and mock) the characteristic girly girl attitude? Oh yes, it totally is. What can be a better representation of not being a girly girl than not having any urge to join in the comfy and cozy group hugs! If you are the one who sarcastically flips her tongue at the lovely sight of other beauties smacking their lips at each other, then know that I’m proud of you, girl.
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8. You might choose gaming time over a manicure
Image source: Tumblr
You are a gaming babe, through and through; you like racing those cars on the virtual tracks and you appreciate the stunts and crisp fatal moves of the fight face-offs on your gaming consoles. There is no better way of enjoying the fact that you’re not a girly girl than by choosing these blood-rushing games over the lazy comfort of a spa day. And yet again girl, know that I’m proud of you.
9. You don’t actually hate anyone
No, no, no. Don’t even go there. In no universe am I trying to be judgmental here. This is merely a sleek observation (from my experiences) cut straight from the life. Girly girls possess the ultimate capacity to hate any and every one if that person gets in the way of their high-maintenance routine. Get real and you’ll see. But if you’re above that and “live and let live” is your mantra, if you can carry on with your own life without giving a damn about every single person on the planet, then you’re on the right (and the only) path towards a peaceful mind and soul.
10. Toilets could be a one-(wo)man adventure for you
Now, don’t you judge me for this. It’s again a blunt observation straight from life. Have you never seen those groups of girls planning and going on God-knows-which-adventure to the toilets/restrooms? If you’re a lady capable of facing the horrors of the toilet booths alone, accept my most sincere congratulations. You qualify safely into the ‘not a girly girl’ zone!
11. You have a sense of sarcasm that burns
You know that you understand that deep sarcasm that others don’t! Another stereotype for a typical girly girl is a tag of ‘Say what?’, and sorry, but this is something I don’t like agreeing with. Well, good for you, darling. Whenever a newbie tries to get to you with that little one-liner from an open mike, you can put him right back in his place with the humor of your own. And you’re invincible!
12. You welcome bikes and hikes without that yikes!
Every guy dreams of being able to go on outdoor adventures with his girl. That’s you! The bold and daring adventure lover. You can relate to the stereotypical guy things like they’re part of your natural calling. Way to go, girl!
13. You don’t shy away from using a little dirty humor in your jokes
All of those ‘Ewwws’ coming out of those pretty pinkish pouts are nothing but a safe play tactic to save the wicked human instinct of taking pleasure in dirty humor. But you, yes you, you don’t do that, do you? I know you don’t and I’m proud of you for that. You love that occasional dirty humor and never shy away from reflecting that fun in your jokes. And isn’t that just marvelous!
14. The social networking errors
Ha! Here comes one of my favorite of them all. If you’re on the receiving end of some horribly horrifying texting blunders, I have shared your pain many times. In spite of answering with a smile, you even try to use your frown to correct the errors on social networking. It never works, I know, but it just might not be your time. You’re yourself and don’t we just love that!
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15. Lastly, because it’s you, duh!
Do you need any reason to justify your own spirit to yourself? Nah! You’re awesome, just the way you are, and that about sums it up! Cheers!
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