Getting ready for work is a pain in the a**, isn’t it?
I remember those mornings when I slept in, woke up with shouts of ‘Oh, f**k,’ and then, rushed to decide upon a ‘business casual’ (whatever that’s supposed to mean) to don, realize that it existed in some fantasy closet and then, throw on some clean, decent clothes – looking into the mirror, thinking this is ‘as good as it is ever gonna get,’ and inwardly hoping for some gratifying response from this shiny glass piece I have at times, flattered just like in fairy tales. None came and I darted off to miss the office carpool and had to haggle with the cabbie to take me to my office, only to realize midway that I had forgotten my access card and that I’d have to again bear that disgusted look on the face of the receptionist when she hands out hers for me to swipe and get in. And since this wasn’t all – my mind also had to come up with an ‘original’ reason for being late!!
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I wondered then, how the others reached on time (secret teleporter?), looking so impeccable as if getting ready for work was as easy as hogging on the fried chicken dimsum in the office canteen!
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Anyway, I feel blessed that I do not have to worry about all of it now, have a work-from-home position that is the envy of many, and can put all the troubles of getting ready for work behind me. Oh, the comfort of snoozing your alarm for five extra minutes in the morning, coz you can afford it and waking up to the glare of your work laptop reflecting its welcome message onto my sleepy eyes! Ahh, the bliss of being in your sweats and grungy bun and working from inside the warm, cozy comforter that gave you a good night’s sleep!
Okay, okay – do not start swearing. I have been through my fair share of the trouble that tags along with getting ready for some real wonky work hours and overtime! And hence, I know just how hard it is to get ready for work. So, for all the lovely ladies who do not feel as lovely when they have to get ready for work, here’s a li’l something to let you know you aren’t alone – the problems all women face while getting ready for work:
1. Sleeping in is a routine
Telling your boss that your alarm didn’t go off is as bad as telling your commitment-phobic boyfriend you are pregnant! One would send you home and the other would, well, head home!
2. Coffee cravings are insurmountable
You know that you wouldn’t be able to drag your lazy a** in the shower without your cup of comfort! The only hiccup -making it first! Grrrr …
3. The logistics makes it ohh-so-difficult
Doing everything in the dark so as to not wake your boyfriend is a pain. And you end up using his hair cream as moisturizer! Crap!
4. An underwear emergency is just what you needed
When you start to pick speed, you realize that none of your undies are clean! Perfect, just what you needed to get ready!
5. You don’t have bad hair days, more like weeks or months
Your hair always refuses to cooperate, always! And there are no exceptions to that, ever!
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6. To shampoo or not to shampoo, that is the question
You are running late and so you know that you have time enough to wash your hair but not as much to dry it. Result – you are half Hermione Granger and half a French poodle! Ohh, didn’t I tell you – curly hair, twisted problems!
7. Makeup, really?
You take care to put on the lipstick and possibly go in for the winged liner too (not too dramatic though), but what’s the point, really! Your first cup of work coffee (that you need, coz let’s admit it, the one you make at home to start your day doesn’t really cut it) is going to undo your hard work, and well, the tears that pop out, when you try to save your magnificent makeup art by not touching the lipstick to the rim of the mug but instead end up spilling it on your shirt, shall make the liner line the tissues!
8. There isn’t an apt outfit in your closet
If only you could have a perfect work outfit vending machine!
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9. Oh-the-woe of accessorizing
Is this spiky bracelet OTT? Do these earrings count as ‘semi-formal?’ You will never know. And you wonder, if anybody does! But, ohh – those b*tches at work! You hate them so much!
10. The perennial debate about what goes and what doesn’t
Oh my god – will you ever be able to decide? And at the rate you are going, you might just have to call in sick!
11. The paralyzing panic of choosing footwear
You stand in front of the shoe rack, deciding if heels, wedges, flats or pumps are the way to go – forgetting that you actually have to go, until some twenty minutes later, you are startled by the intercom and you realize you are still barefoot!
12. Is today the day you can nail the ‘didn’t-have-to-try’ look?
Nope, not today, not tomorrow- not ever! Your work dress sense reeks of try harder, always!
13. There’s something you think is just right, but you can’t commute in it
Yes, that top you bought last week is perfect for work, only if you had a teleporter!!
14. You always feel the need to buy work clothes
But on your time (if work allows that) and with your own money (if work allows that, either)! But hey, do not blame work, for work is an honorable thing!
15. And God forbid, if it’s that time of the month
A whole new range of problems – screaming bloody murder! Aarrrrgghhhhh!
And ‘just like that’ you are ready, hoping tomorrow would be different. And somewhere, your ‘work dress sense star’ flashes its evil grin! 😛
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License