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15 Love Lessons I Wish To Impart To My Feisty, Teenage Sister

If you have a young wildling sister who is the apple of your eye, you definitely want to look out for her so that her butter chicken heart is never broken. You have always been her rock, had her back and as she grows into this feisty teenager with a mind of her own, you know you want to extend your support to all things coming her way- including, matters of the heart.

So, if you are anything like the fiercely protective elder sister I am and have a darla younger sister you cannot bear to see crying over a broken heart (and if she does, you know you’ll be there), then, here are some love lessons you’ll do well to pass along:

1. Live before you leave

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

This one is an absolute must. Tell her why she needs to live before life gets better of her. Live, laugh, love, peace.

Suggested read: 12 reasons why your sister will always be your best friend

2. It’s okay to not be okay

friends hanging out_New_Love_Times

Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Let her know that even when she is not okay, it will eventually get okay. The lanes of love can be a little tiring, but it takes you to beautiful places. This too shall pass is TRUE!

3. Forever is often a myth

Yes, before the world breaks her perfect vision, isn’t it better for you to let her know that fairy tales and reality do not collide.

4. But, there is still a Mr. Perfect


Image source: Pinterest

Even when she knows that forever can often last a second (or not), don’t let her think there is no Mr. Perfect! Because even though love is hard to come by, loving someone with all one’s heart can turn their imperfections into traits that are simply perfect!

5. Not every fish is meant to be yours

The big, wide ocean of love has too many fish and often the ones you cast your net for might not be yours. Tell her that’s OKAY.

6. You often need to fight for your love

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Let her know that the world is a fu*ked up place. Teach her that she will often have to fight it out- sometimes, with the world at large and sometimes, with the one she loves- coz love isn’t an easy thing to sustain!

7. Love is only as blind as you want it to be

Don’t make the mistake of believing that love is blind. Keep your eyes open and walk hand-in-hand in love rather than fall in it, because, love is not simply choosing to fall and getting your knees scraped- it is enjoying the journey and the wonders it brings.

8. Once-in-a-lifetime may happen again

Tell her to enjoy the flavors of love because even the once in a lifetime love sometimes, brings along a second or maybe, a third chance as well. The stars shine in the wilderness of night, isn’t it?

9. Broken doesn’t necessarily mean the end

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

You need to know that not all things that break are destined for an end. Sometimes, what seems like an end is just another bend.

10. Give it a second chance

Tell her that when she feels like nothing will ever be right again, she has got to be strong and give life a second chance coz every time you rise after you fall, you become a warrior and warrior princesses are sexy AF!

11. Sometimes even, a third take is needed

Never lose hope when it comes to love.

12. Cake always works

When you are giving her powerful advice, you just cannot NOT mention the cake! In fact, try having the conversation with some fat slices cut out!

13. An elder sister is never wrong 😛


Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Tell her you are there for her, whenever she needs you. And when she does come looking for some love advice, whip it up with sass and a little humor. Once her spirits are considerably risen and maybe, dancing a wee bit, tell her that you are always right and you know the world and the way it swings. *pats my own back fervently*

Suggested read: Mushy quotes that exemplify the bond between brothers and sisters

14. Fall in love with yourself

You need to teach her to fall in love with herself. In order to experience love, you must love who you are. It is then, that the universe shall direct love to you.

15. You’re the best. I love you.

best friends

Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Doesn’t need an explanation! A peck, a hug and dollops of love ☺

Did I miss something from these love lessons? Yes? No?

Hug your sister and get her a hottie maybe? 😉

Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
15 Love Lessons I Wish To Impart To My Feisty, Teenage Sister
Because a sister needs a sister, for all things LOVE and these love lessons are IT!
Shruti Fatehpuria

Shruti Fatehpuria

I am a misfit software engineer who left her work in the corporate world to pursue the insatiable quest to write. A freelance worker by the day, I choose to dream with eyes open wide. I have conversations with myself where I talk of the possibilities that life can hold. Too many wishes made on empty starless nights ensure that there are various dreams yet to be lived. I am working my way as I am on a quest to find myself. The greatest journeys are indeed the ones that lie within. I am yet to live my story because right now, the book is full of too many apostrophes and too many commas. The words are jumbled until the right one fits the puzzle. I don't believe in perfection because too many times, it is imperfection which paints the perfect story. I am verbose and I aim at living life in full swing until a speed breaker curbs the tantalizing pace with which I wish to conquer the dreams that would otherwise be too big for the not-so-tiny shoes I wear. Blessed with a lot of chubby fat, I love going the extra mile to conquer my extra dreams with an extra advice after all, we all love a little extra. A die-hard shopaholic, you can often find me laughing on serious stuff inappropriately at wrong times (unintentionally).