When you think of your wedding, you think of a harmonious ceremony, where people enjoy themselves while you and your intended become man and wife finally, after months of preparation. In the midst of preparing for your wedding, what you don’t anticipate is how your guests might turn out to be hindrances to the ceremony. If you do not take the idea of an unplugged wedding seriously, this is what is likely to happen-
Image source: Pinterest
In short, when your guests start to pull out their cameras, their cell phones, and their electronic devices, there is no scope for enjoyment because firstly, you cannot see the faces hidden behind these small metallic contraptions, secondly, no one has the scope to display their genuine emotions, because they are busy trying to get the “perfect angle” and the “best shot,” and thirdly, they take crappy pictures which you can never use later on, to be honest.
Suggested read: 10 reasons why you should ban your wedding guests from playing photographers
The best way to deal with an unpleasant situation like this is to tell your guests beforehand that you have decided to have an unplugged wedding, by means of politely or cheekily written unplugged wedding signs, which you can install outside your venue, or immediately near the entrance, so that your guests do not miss it.
Here are some examples you can use for inspiration.
1. Simple chalkboard message
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “We invite you to be fully present with us during our ceremony. Please turn off all cell phones and cameras.”
A message like this is short, sweet, simple, and also emphasizes the fact that when the guests are hidden away behind their cell phones, they are only physically present for the ceremony.
2. Illustrated unplugged wedding sign
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Don’t be this guy! No pictures during the ceremony.”
The whole point of keeping a sign asking your guests to switch off all electronic devices is to ensure that your ceremony goes smoothly, and you have to make a sign that grabs attention. What better way to grab attention, than with a fun, illustrated sign with a grumpy old man taking pictures?
3. A bit of poetry doesn’t hurt
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Oh Snap! Thank you for coming, we have but one plea, please keep our ceremony camera free. Though our “I dos” are unplugged, our reception is not. Once we finish our first dance, you are free to take a shot.”
This sign is extra useful because it tells your guests exactly when and where you want your privacy to be maintained, and after which point in the ceremony, they can take pictures of you and your spouse.
4. Printed monochrome message
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “We really want to see your faces, not your devices… Please put away phones and cameras until after the first dance. Plus, our photographer is awesome and likes to share.”
This message is ideal for those guests who are desperate for pictures, and are likely to hound you even during and after the ceremony for a couple of pictures to remember your day. This will satisfy your photographer, yourself, and your guests.
5. Drawing attention to the obvious photographer
Image source: Blackboard Artworx
The message reads: “There’s a girl here with a big impressive camera. We invited her here to capture our special day. So we ask that you keep yours tucked safely away.”
Despite the fact that you pay a professional photographer a lot of money to capture beautiful pictures of your wedding day, they are unable to do justice to it because of the multiple over-enthusiastic guests blocking their way. Make sure that your guests know there is a professional photographer with this cleverly articulated sign!
6. Gentle reminder to your guests
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Behind the devices, there is so much we miss. Take the afternoon off, because we’ve chosen someone perfect to capture our kiss. Reflect on what it means to be in love, just for today. Let yourself be free of technology’s distractions, put your cameras and phones away.”
This one too has a nice rhyme to it, which makes your guests genuinely want to listen to you and enjoy the ceremony, instead of interrupting it with their clicks and flashes. Place it on a high stand, making it hard to miss.
7. Polite message in a frame
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “No pictures! Pretty please…”
The worst thing that could possibly happen when you are sharing your first kiss, is a guest with their flashing device stepping on to the aisle and clicking away, ruining the moment for you and everyone else present. Warn your guests beforehand to prevent such a mishap from happening with this pretty bound and framed message.
Suggested read: 25 of the most stunning, surreal wedding photographs of 2015
8. Unconventional unplugged wedding sign
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Be nice and turn off that device. Too often we get distracted by technology’s new toys. Sit back, relax and give your phone a break. It will still be there tomorrow. Thanks.”
Sometimes despite a warning sign, guests don’t get the hint, nor the importance of respecting your wishes. This sign is a succinct and effective way to tell your guests that you would rather have your professional photographer do all the clicking.
9. White on black floral sign board
Image source: Blackboard Artworx
The message reads: “Please turn off your cameras and devices, we’d rather see your happy smiles and lovely faces.”
Again, the whole point of keeping a sign is so that people notice it. The problem with hand written, lengthy signs is that most people ignore it. With simple, short, and pretty styles and fonts and messages like these, you are bound to get your point across to all of your guests.
10. Flower power
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Please turn off cell phones. She means it!”
This is a highly creative way to let your guests know that you definitely don’t want pictures and flashes distracting you from one of the most important and happiest moments of your life. Have your adorable flower girls carry the message across loud and clear, with added cuteness!
11. Pretty chalkboard signs
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “On this day, the most important of our lives, we ask you to be fully present as we become man and wife. Please put away your phones and cameras. We promise to share out photos with you. Find a seat, relax and enjoy the I dos.”
This message comes with an extra consolation for the guests, because you even let them know that they will get all the pictures that they will miss clicking during the course of the ceremony, that too in better quality!
12. Simple, three word message
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Please no photos.”
If you are trying to make sure that you have a truly unplugged wedding, then you need a sign that speaks loud and clear and is impossible to miss. Placing this simple little beauty right outside the aisle should be able to do the trick. Three words and a simple, hand drawn picture is all you need to drive the message home with your guests, who cannot help pick up on and respect the earnestness in this simple sign.
13. Immediate attention grabber
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Please turn off cameras and cell phones during the ceremony.”
Here is another sign that immediately catches the attention of your guests with its simple and easy to understand message, written spaciously on a background that is going to highlight any text written on it!
14. Common signboard for romantic outdoor setting
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Today, two families become one, pick a seat, not a side. (Date). Unplugged wedding.”
Another ingenious way in which you can ask your guests to keep the electronics inside their pockets during your ceremony is with this quaint little sign which first asks them to choose a seat of their liking, without being team bride or team groom, and then reminds them gently that it is an unplugged wedding. Simple, yet effective.
Suggested read: Wedding photography tips: Dos and don’ts for memorable pictures
15. Matte printed unplugged wedding sign
Image source: Pinterest
The message reads: “Please. The bride and groom require the joyous sight of your smiles without the distraction of any electronic devices or cameras.”
This elegantly worded unplugged wedding sign is all you need to tell your guests that you would rather do without them acting like paparazzi and ruining the professional photographs that your photographer will take during the ceremony. The print and the style will surely attract the attention of the people, and the seriousness and pleasantness with which the message has been written is bound to take effect.
Having your guests take pictures at your wedding has more cons than pros, and you would rather do away with the entire thing, at least for a certain part of the ceremony, where you are exchanging vows. The over-enthusiasm of your guests to record the ceremony for themselves might ruin it altogether, but with a well-written, well-made sign telling them not to do so, you are bound to have the wedding of your dreams.