Welcome to the lazy women club! Because LAZY is the new sexy!
We are so lazy we can’t deal with introduction and ‘stuff,’ so we are launching into evidence right away…
1. No one’s more creative than a girl with her lazy on
Image source: Tumblr
Be it switching the lights off when you’re almost asleep, reaching the gas station mid-traffic or bagging the best dress on sale – nobody finds a better way than you!
2. No deadline is long enough
Be it the presentation due after a week or the mid-semester exams after three months, the duration, at first, never seems enough but…
3. The ‘last minute’ is what ticks the best out of you!
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You’re the genius who can magically get it all done at the very last moment as if it was a piece of cake to begin with! #LikeABoss
4. There’s no recipe that can’t be modified into 2 minutes go!
So it is the rice and chicken you are craving for? The chicken will ask for cleaning, marinating, cooking and uh uh..more than 2 minutes (ruled out!) Rice needs the steaming (a maybe). Otherwise – rice and chicken could just even be crackers today!
5. Comfortable is the fashion that trends 24×7 (timelessly!)
Image source: Disney
Sweats or the timeless PJ, you believe that class resides in the badass confidence you wear your lazy style with. Who cares for what Vogue has to say!
6. Lazily gawking at the wall could equal looking at the universe naked (oh yeah!)
Though, most people won’t understand this, but right from the rising stocks to the plight of hunger in Africa, this is a great way to find these answers- only if one can care enough to remember!
7. If the stereo is too far, the song doesn’t need to be your favorite for playing on the loop
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And this is how you spell adaptable. Be it the same food all week (with no home delivery of groceries) or appreciating the same track till the end of time – you can do it all without a frown!
Suggested read: 20 things all lazy couples will relate to
8. Lazing around is the best prevention for stress
Irritation? Tension? Stress? Depression? Tell these to someone who cares – Lazy = happy + lucky!
9. Happiness can sometimes really cost nothing
Just an extra hour of sleep, an unexpected leave from work, or a heavenly cancellation from your in-laws (who were hell bent on coming over) – that’s all it takes!
10. You know the meaning of unconditional love
Image source: Giphy
Ahem, I mean – you can love someone without all that dramatic fuss! You don’t need the exorbitant dates or the luxe getaways or the larger-than-life gestures. You’d rather stay at home and spend some quality time together!
11. Laziness is the easiest bridge to your spiritual inside!
Meditation and yoga – bring it on, because you can stay in the mode forever!
12. You CAN get a job at Microsoft
Needs no explanations – the great guy has himself made it all clear by saying lazy people find the fastest solutions. #TrulyMotivated
13. Time is truly the best healer
Image source: collegecandy
Sometimes problems can end up solving themselves. And all you need to do is wait and wait patiently for the sweet fruit in return. And who can vouch for THAT better than you?
14. You are a natural beauty – and you know it!
Who needs the hours of makeup and dolling up? You’re awesome as you are and you love it! I understand – #SecretSafelySaved)
Ha, I just knew that it is the time for that victory dance or would have been, if not for the celebratory nap time, right?
Featured image source: worldoffemale