Nobody likes to be treated crappily, especially not by their loved ones. And if you’re a guy who keeps scratching his head as to why your girlfriends dump you – here’s the answer – you may not be treating her right. Now, now. You may argue that you’ve been nothing but a perfect gentleman to her, and that she may have mistaken your good intentions. It’s possible, but highly unlikely. Because very few women put up with being treated shabbily by their men, and even they have their limits, their tipping points when they throw in the towel and walk out.
However, she will give you a few chances to correct your wrongs, giving you the benefit of the doubt. But beware – never mistake her leniency towards you for weakness, for she has claws and she will scratch you with them. But she will never stay with a man who doesn’t know how to treat a woman right, despite giving numerous hints. Treating the woman in your life right is a reflection of your feelings you have for her; the love and care you feel for her. However, there are those of us – men and women – who just don’t know how to treat their partner right, despite having tremendous love and affection for them. Beware though, this is a very small percentage of the population.
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Why don’t people treat their partners right?
More often than not, people who treat their partners crappily, don’t do it on purpose. In fact, they won’t even be aware that they’ve been treating their partners shabbily, until someone points it out to them. Generally, people aren’t mean, especially to someone they supposedly care about. However, some do so because, a) they just don’t know how to do it right, or b) they aren’t aware that they’re being crappy to their partner at all.
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Another important thing to note is that men treat women the same way they like to be treated. However, women are differently wired than men, and often, they don’t like the same things that men do. If men understand this major difference, then they would know how to treat a woman right.
How should a man treat a woman?
If you want the woman in your life to become a permanent fixture, then you need to treat her in a way that lets her know how much you love her, cherish her, and value her presence in your life. Although it may not come easily for some men, and sure, it might even take some getting used to, you can learn how to do it right.
If you really want to know how to treat a woman right, then read on further. Also, keep in mind that every woman is different, and that they may have different expectations from their men, but for the majority of them, the following applies.
1. Being honest with her.
Honesty trumps everything else in a relationship. If you want the lady in your life to stick around long term, then be honest to her, no matter what. Lying to her – lying by omission, consciously, or by letting her make her own assumptons – isn’t what makes a relationship healthy or stable. It just shows that you don’t care about her feelings. So always be honest with her about everything in your life – be it your likes and dislikes, feelings, emotions, or your expectations from her and your life together. She will appreciate it.
2. Listening to her.
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Listening to her means really listening to what she’s saying, not just being there physically, only to be mentally planning strategy for your game online. You may think all she needs is you to sit there and nod at all the appropriate places, but no. Pay attention to what she’s saying, because it will also reveal a whole lot about what she’s feeling, her emotional state, and what she needs from you.
3. Trusting her.
Do you trust your lady love? Absolutely? With your heart, your secrets, your money? It’s not just about saying you trust her, but showing her that you actually do – is what makes her stay for the long haul. Show her how much you trust her and her judgment by confiding in her, showing her your vulnerable side. She will really love you for it.
4. No hiding things from her.
Sure, you both are individuals with your own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even secrets. Yes, you want some things to remain private, and that should be the case too, for the both of you. However, if you’re keeping something from her that might possibly affect her – even in the smallest way – or your relationship with her, then you have to spill. See, the thing about hiding things from a person close to you is that they will eventually find out on their own, and it has the potential to destroy your entire relationship. So don’t hide important things from her.
5. Appreciating her.
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Have you shown her how much the little things that she does for you mean to you? You may think that she knows how you feel, but unless you open your mouth and say so, or show her in some other way that you really appreciate her – as a person and as a partner in your life – she won’t know it. You need to show her that she is not like other women, that just by being in your life, she has made it infinitely better. Of course, you don’t need to lie to her, but you get my drift, right?
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6. Communicating with her.
Communication is one of the cornerstones of any relationship, and if this isn’t strong, then the whole relationship will crumble at the first hint of murky waters. Whatever might be going on with you and your relationship, you must always strive to keep the channels of communication open.
7. Cleaning up after yourself.
Do you clean up after yourself? Or are you a grown up slob, who leaves a mess behind him every time he exits a room? Listen, nobody likes a slob, especially not as a lover. When you take responsibilities for your own things and cleaning up your messes, she will know that you’re not keeping her around just for her cleaning and cooking skills, but rather see her for who she really is.
8. Respecting her as an individual.
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Respect doesn’t just mean providing lip service, but actually respecting every aspect of her life – her, her work, her family, her friends, and her life choices. Never forget that.
9. Supporting her.
Supporting her means being there for her when she needs you – whether it’s when she’s going after that big promotion at work, or going against her family to quit her job and travel the world for a year. Whatever she’s going through in life, she needs to be able to rely on you to be there for her – to support her dreams, her aspirations, her goals, and her life choices.
10. Being intimate with her.
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Intimacy doesn’t always equate to getting down and dirty, although making an effort to please her there too, will give you brownie points. As much as physical intimacy is necessary for a relationship to flourish, emotional intimacy is important too. Open up to her and show her that you too have an emotional side to you. Being sensitive and perceptive and open about your feelings will only endear you to her, not the other way around. She will sure to cherish the trust you have placed in her, if you do open up to her.
11. Showing her your vulnerable side.
It’s not always easy for a man to show his vulnerability to the woman in her life. It’s harder than it sounds, but that’s why you have to do it. While women are far more comfortable talking about their feelings and emotions, you need to try to do it – in however small way you want to start – to show her that you really value her in your life. That you know how to treat a woman right.
12. Letting her hang out with your friends.
Friends are like a second family to most people. And you need to let her in to your group of buddies, if only to show her that you want her and your friends to get along because of the important roles they play in your life. But that doesn’t mean you have to bring her to guys’ night; you know what we mean, right?
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13. Being friends with her friends.
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Just like you value your friends, she does hers too. Make an effort to get to know her friends and hang out with them, so that she feels as if you’re trying to be a part of her life in all aspects.
So you see, it isn’t that hard to know how to treat a woman right. All you need is the will to make an effort and show her how much she means to you and how much her presence has enhanced your life.
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