Moles are nothing but accumulated pigmented melanocytes that appear as dark spots on your skin. They may be brown, black, red, pink, purple, or flesh-colored spots or patches on the skin. Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin, the natural pigment that gives color to your skin, hair, and eyes.
Most moles are harmless, but many people find them unattractive, marring their perfect complexion. They can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, with or without hair in or around the moles.
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Causes of moles
The most common causes of moles include:
- Over exposure to sunlight
- Overactive melanocytes
- Overactive sebaceous glands
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Heredity
Most moles fade and/or disappear over time, as a person gets older. However, there are some moles that only become prominent as time goes by. Another factor to keep in mind is to look for any abnormal characteristics of your moles such as color, diameter, and asymmetry of its border. Such changes could spell trouble in the long run. Thus, it’s recommended that if you notice any such changes in the shape or size or appearance of your moles, you should consult a qualified dermatologist to get it checked out to rule out the possibility of it being cancerous.
Home remedies for mole removal
If your moles are bothering you and marring your perfect complexion, then try these simple home remedies for mole removal to get rid of them once and for all.
1. Aloe vera
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Aloe vera is soothing, mild, yet extremely effective in getting rid of a mole. It helps lighten your skin tone considerably, thus making a mole less visible.
- Slice open an aloe vera leaf and squeeze out the gel into a clean bowl. Apply this on the mole and secure it with a bandage. Let it stay on for about 4 hours so that your skin absorbs the nutrients from the aloe vera. Repeat this thrice a day for a month, or till you’re satisfied with the results.
2. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an amazing remedy to get rid of moles, thanks to its acidic content. It helps scab the mole quickly, making it fall off over time.
- Rub some warm water on the mole, followed by applying apple cider vinegar using a clean cotton ball, till it turns white. Leave it on to air dry. Repeat this remedy several times a day to help get rid of the moles.
- Dip a clean cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar and place it on the affected area. Keep it in place with the help of a band aid. Leave it on overnight. Repeat this remedy every day for about 10-12 days, or till the mole falls off.
Tip 1: The apple cider vinegar could probably make the mole worse in the beginning few days. However, it will get better in about a week or so. To avoid scarring, use coconut oil on the mole site after using the remedy.
Tip 2: In order to protect the skin around the mole, remember to apply petroleum jelly before using the apple cider vinegar remedy.
3. Banana peel
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Banana peel contains many essential nutrients that help in lightening a mole, thus getting rid of it in the long run.
- Rub the inside of a fresh banana peel on the mole and secure it with a bandage. Leave it on for a few hours. Repeat this remedy for a few weeks so that it falls off on its own.
4. Castor oil
Castor oil helps in getting rid of moles, warts, and skin tags. Thanks to the nutrients found in castor oil, it helps dissolve and get rid of moles. This remedy, while effective, takes a lot of time to get the job done, and doesn’t leave any scars either.
- Add a pinch of baking soda to a few drops of castor oil and mix well. Apply this mixture on the mole and gently rub it with your fingertip. Let it stay for a few hours, or till it’s completely dry. Repeat this remedy twice a day for about a month to see visible results.
5. Coriander
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Coriander leaves are extremely useful in getting rid of a mole.
- Take a handful of fresh coriander leaves and put them in a food processor to make a paste. Slather this on the mole, leaving it on for 10 minutes, before washing it off with plain water. Repeat this remedy every day for a couple of weeks to get rid of the mole.
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6. Flaxseed oil
Flaxseed oil is another effective remedy that helps remove raised moles. It helps soften the mole, while loosening their edges, so that they come off easily.
- To 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil, add enough finely ground flax seeds and honey to make a paste. Dab this on the affected area and let it stay for at least an hour, before washing it off. Repeat this remedy thrice a day for a few weeks to help get the mole off.
7. Frankincense
Frankincense essential oil is a natural astringent, which helps dry up a mole, thus removing it layer by layer.
- To 1 teaspoon of frankincense essential oil, add 8 teaspoons of olive oil to help dilute it. Dab this diluted oil on the mole and let it stay on for a few hours, before washing it off. Repeat this remedy thrice a day for a few weeks to help remove the mole.
Tip: This essential oil may cause irritation on skin types. If so, discontinue using this remedy.
8. Garlic
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Garlic is an easy yet effective natural remedy to get rid of a mole, thanks to the enzymes it possesses, that help break down the clusters of melanocytes that form a mole. Additionally, it helps lighten the dark pigmentation on your skin, thus helping fade a mole.
- Take 1 fresh garlic clove and crush it. Place it on the mole and secure it with a band aid. Let it stay overnight, or at least for a few hours so that it can work its magic on the mole. Repeat this every day for a few days, till the mole naturally falls off your skin.
Tip: Garlic application on your skin can cause redness, irritation, and a burning sensation. Be warned.
9. Grapefruit seed extract
Grapefruit seed is rich in flavonoids and vitamin E, which make it an effective remedy to get rid of moles.
- Mix together 1 part grapefruit seed extract and 10 parts avocado oil in a clean bowl. Apply this on the affected area, leaving it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with plain water. Repeat this every day till you’re satisfied with the results.
- Put 1 drop of grapefruit seed extract on the affected area and cover it with gauze. Let it stay on for a few hours. Repeat this remedy thrice a day for about a month to notice visible results.
10. Iodine
An iodine tincture is known to be quite helpful in getting rid of moles and skin tags. It works by triggering natural cell death of melanocytes, thus eliminating the clusters.
- Buy an iodine tincture from the drug store. Cleanse the area of the mole and put a drop of 5% iodine solution on the mole. Cover it with some gauze and leave it on overnight. Follow this remedy every day for a couple of weeks to see visible results.
Tip: Although iodine will help remove the mole without any scarring, it might stain your skin though. To avoid this, you can apply a little lotion around the mole to protect the skin surrounding it.
11. Onion juice
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Onion juice is another natural remedy that is extremely effective in getting rid of moles and evening out your skin tone, thanks to its acidic properties.
- Slice up 1 small onion and extract its juice in a food processor. Apply this on your mole using a Q-tip, leaving it on for half an hour or more, before washing it off with plain water. Repeat this thrice a day for at least three weeks to get rid of the mole.
- In a clean bowl, mix together equal parts onion juice and apple cider vinegar. Apply this on the affected area using a Q-tip and leave it on overnight, washing it off the following morning. Repeat this remedy every day for about a month or till the mole fades away.
12. Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice is another excellent remedy that helps lighten the pigmentation of moles, thus making them less visible.
- Dip a clean cotton ball in pineapple juice and apply it on your mole. Let is stay overnight, washing it off the following morning. Repeat this remedy several times a day for a few weeks to see desired results.
Tip 1: Using freshly made pineapple juice is more effective than using store-bought or previously made ones.
Tip 2: Lemon juice, grapefruit juice, and sour apple juice are other possible alternatives that work just as well as pineapple juice on moles.
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13. Strawberries
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Strawberries are rich in salicylic acid and skin lightening properties that help in helping lighten a mole.
- Slice a ripe strawberry and place it on the affected area. Secure it with a bandage if possible. Let it stay for a few hours, before taking it off. Use this remedy for several days to see visible results quickly.
These are all the highly effective home remedies for mole removal that actually work, only if you have the patience to follow the directions that accompany them. For more updates on skin care, beauty tips, and makeup tricks, subscribe to our newsletter today!
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