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All You Need To Know About Treating A Dry Throat With Home Remedies

A dry throat is a common condition when you’re suffering from a cold. It is usually caused due to an inflamed pharynx, the tube that extends from the back of the mouth to the stomach. It is a condition that can cause a lot of discomfort. Therefore, it’s imperative that you identify the reason for the dry throat and treat it soon.

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Causes of dry throat

The most common causes for a dry throat include:

  • A bacterial infection caused by streptococcal bacteria. It could cause swollen glands along with a dry throat, headache, fever, and stomach ache. It’s usually treated with antibiotics.
  • A viral infection like the common cold or the flu could cause dry as well as sore throat. Fever, muscle aches, body aches, and runny nose are other typical symptoms.
  • Smoking
  • Blocked nasal passages
  • Acid reflux that cause scratchy, dry throat

Symptoms of dry throat

Some of the most common, annoying symptoms of a dry throat include:

  • Parched, dry throat, especially in the morning
  • Scratchy sensation in the throat
  • Swelling in the glands adjacent to the throat
  • Difficulty swallowing

Home remedies for dry throat

You don’t have to suffer through silently with a dry throat, but can alleviate it with these easy, simple yet effective home remedies for dry throat.

1. Apple cider vinegar

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Apple cider vinegar possesses moisturizing properties that help alleviate a dry throat. Whether you consume it or use it to gargle, apple cider vinegar gives you relief from a dry throat. Additionally, it helps balance the pH of the mouth, thereby keeping your mouth and throat well moisturized.


  • Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of warm water and stir well. Drink this once every day for relief from dry throat.
  • Use this same concoction to gargle twice a day to relieve dryness of the throat.

2. Cinnamon

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Cinnamon is another ingredient which helps provide relief from a dry throat. It possesses anti-bacterial properties, which help combat any infection in your throat.


  • In a saucepan, bring to boil 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of pepper powder, and 1 cinnamon stick. Let it simmer for 5 minutes, before taking it off the heat. Let it cool down a bit, before adding honey and drinking it twice a day for best results.
  • Add a pinch of ground cinnamon to any brewed tea to help with the dry throat.

3. Citrus juices

Fruits that contain citric acid like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc., are all amazing in relieving dryness in the throat. Besides citric acid, these fruits are also rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps prevent cough, cold, soreness in the throat, and blockages in the nasal passages.


  • Consume orange juice, lemon juice, or grapefruit juice to find relief from a dry throat. Squeeze the juice into a glass of warm water and drink it without adding any sweetener. Add a bit of honey if you cannot drink it as is.

4. Fenugreek seeds

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

Fenugreek seeds are extremely helpful in relieving a sore, dry, scratchy throat.


  • Add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to 1 cup of boiling water. Cover it with a lid and let it steep for 10 minutes, before straining it. Add a bit of honey and drink this twice a day for best results.

5. Garlic

Garlic contains many beneficial compounds that help in relieving a dry, sore throat. Additionally, garlic also possesses anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties as well.


  • To 1 glass of warm water, add a few drops of garlic oil and stir well. Use this to gargle twice a day for relief from a dry throat.
  • Slice 1 clove of garlic and suck on it through the day to help with the dryness as well as combating any infection.
  • Use garlic when cooking any dish, and that should help with the dryness.

6. Honey


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Honey possesses anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and antiseptic properties, that help treat a dry throat effectively. Its viscous texture helps soothe your dry throat, while relieving the dryness and the irritation. It will help relieve the scratchy, tickly sensation in the throat caused by a lack of moisture.


  • Stir in 1 teaspoon of honey into 1 glass of warm water and drink this twice a day for best results.
  • Consume 1 teaspoon of honey directly, thrice a day, for quick relief from a dry throat.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey into a warm cup of tea and drink it to find relief from throat dryness. It works with green tea, black tea, or regular tea.

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7. Lemon juice


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Lemon juice contains citric acid as well as vitamin C, both of which help ease the dryness in the throat.


  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into 1 glass of warm water. Drink this slowly to help with the dryness.
  • Add 1 teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey to 1 glass of warm water and stir well. Sip this slowly to find relief from dry throat.
  • Sprinkle some salt and pepper on a slice of lemon and lick it through the day to help with the dryness.

8. Licorice

Licorice is also highly effective in relieving a dry throat, thanks to its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-microbial properties.


  • Add 1 tablespoon of licorice to 1 cup of boiling water and cover it with a lid. Let it steep for a few minutes, before straining it. Drink this thrice a day for best results.

9. Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is highly effective in getting rid of dryness in the throat, thanks to its antitussive properties that help reduce throat irritation, swelling, as well as boost healing.


  • Use marshmallow root in an herbal tea and drink it twice a day for positive results.

10. Sage

Sage is an herb that is used extensively in cooking, but is also helpful in treating a dry throat. It helps ease cold, cough, and any other respiratory tract infections.


  • Add about 2 tablespoons worth of fresh sage leaves to 1 cup of boiling water. Cover it with a lid and let it steep for 10 minutes, before straining it. Allow it to cool for a bit before drinking it to relieve a dry, itchy throat.

11. Salt water gargle

While the salt helps inhibit the growth of disease-causing germs, the warm water helps soothe the dry throat, providing quick relief.


  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of warm water and stir till it’s dissolved. Use this water to gargle for about 30-40 seconds, before spitting it out. Repeat this remedy twice a day to find relief from a dry throat.

12. Slippery elm

Slippery elm helps coat the dry throat with a gel-like substance that helps ease the soreness and dryness.


  • To 2 cups of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of inner bark of slippery elm. Let it boil for some time, before straining it. Drink this twice a day for best results.

13. Turmeric


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Turmeric possesses antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties that help ease the dryness in the throat.


  • Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to 1 glass of warm milk and stir well. Drink this every day before going to bed to help with the dryness in the throat.
  • To 1 glass of warm water, add 1 teaspoon each of turmeric powder and honey, stirring well. Drink this every morning on an empty stomach to ease the dryness in the throat.

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Additional tips

  • Proper rest is a necessity to help relieve dryness in the throat.
  • Take a breather and talk as less as possible to ease a dry throat.
  • Quit smoking altogether, or at least avoid smoking till the dryness subsides.
  • Avoid inhaling second-hand smoke either.
  • Avoid environmental factors that may aggravate the dryness in your throat.
  • Pet dander, pollen, dust mites, mold, mildew – are all potential hazards that cause a dry throat. Avoid them.
  • Use a humidifier in your room to prevent dry air from causing further irritation to your already dry throat.
  • Drink lots of fluids to keep yourself hydrated and your throat moisturized – warm water, warm teas, herbal teas, soups, fruit juices, vegetable juices – are all optimal options.
  • Water helps keep your throat moisturized, prevent any irritation and dryness.
  • Suck on lozenges to help with a dry throat. They stimulate saliva production, thereby relieving the dryness.
  • Chewing on gum also boosts saliva production, thereby helping with the dryness. Choose an unsweetened variety though, as a sugar-laced one could aggravate the dryness.
  • Inhale steam to help with the dryness. Add a few drops of an essential oil like eucalyptus or lavender to clear your nasal passages and any congestion too.

These are all the amazingly effective home remedies for dry throat that actually work. For more updates on health and fitness, subscribe to our newsletter today!

Featured image source: Youtube

Article Name
13 Amazingly Effective Home Remedies For Dry Throat
Dry throat giving you trouble? Try these effective home remedies for dry throat to find quick relief!
Chaitra Ramalingegowda

Chaitra Ramalingegowda

I fell in love with storytelling long before I knew what it was. Love well written stories, writing with passion, baking lip-smacking-finger-licking chocolate cakes, engaging movies, and home-cooked food. A true work-in-progress and a believer in the idiom 'all those who wander are not lost'. Twitter: @ChaitraRlg