Anyone who has worked extra hours to meet a certain deadline or works from home can understand how tough it can be to strike a perfect work life balance. If you work around the clock, chances are that you might be making sacrifices in your personal life, which is certainly not a right move. Here are a few easy techniques that will help you attain a perfect work life balance:
1. Set boundaries
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You can’t attain a perfect work life balance if you don’t define your boundaries. You need to know how much effort you have to put in a certain project. If you are taking your work home, make sure you won’t make it a habit. Set feasible deadlines and don’t let your life turn chaotic.
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2. Seek the assistance of efficiency boosters
Meditation and yoga are one of the best efficiency boosters. If you are working from home, you can always take a power nap in between. It’s okay to take a break from your work sometimes. Do you really think you can work with the same efficiency for straight ten hours?
3. Avoid wasting your energy and time
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Because most of us waste a lot of time and energy doing things that don’t even matter. Just imagine how much time you could have saved without playing that addictive game on your phone!
4. Don’t sacrifice your sleep
Too often, we compromise with our sleep in order to meet our deadlines. This makes us frustrated and affects our health in the long run. Do you really think you can focus and work with the same efficiency without sleeping for days?
5. Avoid distractions
Checking social media or your phone in between is certainly not the best idea. Keep your phone aside and stay focused to work efficiently and completing a task in a timely manner.
6. Start saying “no”
When it comes to work, you don’t have to say “yes” to everything. If you want to attain work life balance, then you need to miss a few things at work. The same might apply to your personal life. If your work is really important, you got to miss a holiday.
7. Slow down a little
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When was the last time you took a break from work? Too often, we work really hard for our future without living in our present. Don’t give away what you already have for a vague idea of your future.
8. Don’t miss a celebration
No matter how important your work is, it can never top those big milestones like an anniversary, your spouse’s birthday, childbirth, etc. You can move a deadline, but you can’t really miss these events!
9. Stop comparing yourself
You need to understand that it is your journey and only you can make these choices. You might see people around you having an absolutely zero social life. Remember, it’s not a race. How many people do you think you have to compare yourself with before realizing your worth?
10. Set a feasible schedule
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
You can’t attain a work life balance without having a schedule. If you are working from home, you need to set strict working hours, so that you would have enough time for your friends and family.
11. Enjoy weekends and vacations
Needless to say, weekends and holidays are supposed to take an off from work. You are not a machine. Travel as much as you can – it is the food for your soul.
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12. Ask for help
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Most significantly, if you think you can’t meet a deadline or are getting overwhelmed with your work, try to get some help. Talk to your colleagues or ask a friend. Be there to return the favor, whenever they need your help.
When you look back, you would never think of all those hours you have spent working. Instead, you will only remember the time you have spent with your loved ones. Don’t let your work take away the kind of things that really matters in your life. After all, it is all up to you. What would you choose? A balanced life or a hectic schedule?
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License