Valentine’s Day is around the corner and the shelves are getting quickly and rapidly stocked with stuffed toys, cheesy greeting cards, blossoms, and of course, chocolates. How about recasting this rather flower-y, chocolate-y festival of sorts into a REAL celebration that actually brings you closer to your loved one?
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Okay, here’s what I am getting at. I know for a fact that people make promises like celebrating their love and commitment to each other not for THE one day that paints the world red, but for all year round. However, they almost always default on that promise when they look back at the year that went by, around the same time that this day comes knocking again. So, our idea for this Valentine’s Day is for you to promise your beloved ‘our year’ – a year in which all other years pale in comparison to. So, instead of writing out that poem you stole from the Internet on that life-sized greeting card that shall take half the bed-space, SHOW the love. And no, it doesn’t necessarily mean splurging on soft toys and imported chocolates – it means to show how much you value your special someone and draw up moments that you shall cherish for now and for always.
So, this V-day, make sure you do something unique and offbeat that shall not only translate as a meaningful experience for the two of you, but also pave the path for ‘our year,’ – coz they don’t really need too much of ‘planning’ and can become rituals! YAY!!
Check out the NLT-recommended ideas for V-day celebration, the ‘our year’ way:
1. On flowery paths
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Use flower petals to build a path in your own home for him/her that’d lead them to a surprise present. You could have mile-markers with your photographs, billboards with your love story or even balloons that need to be popped for a thing they’d need to continue on the path! Be creative, whacky, crazy, and make it a memorable experience. We aren’t even giving you the final present possibilities. Okay, maybe it could be you with just a ribbon on! 😉
2. Get wet
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
How about getting squeaky clean after you get ‘dirty’ together! Yes, take that hot shower, bubble bath together after a perfect ‘wet’ round of raunchy romping. It doesn’t get better than this on V-day, plus you might want to make it a ritual for ‘our year.’
3. Play three things
Each of you write down three things you’d like to do together and fold up the chits, mark them with each other’s initials, and mix it up. Before taking turns to draw the chits, agree to giving each of the options a decent try. Go crazy with the possibilities – the world is your playground!!
4. Be a cover model
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Take mock paparazzi portraits of yourself or have a custom-photo shoot done and build a mock-tabloid for your special someone with your own special cover story. You may have any theme you want, have a pre-planned schedule of dates, cover special moments of your love story and even include steamy pictures of yourself for his pleasure! Boy, would he forget Playboy! You bet! 😉
5. Style ’em up
Dress each other up for dinner (you can’t refuse each other’s picks) and enjoy some dirty dressing. After dinner, follow up with some raunchy undressing! You may play the stylist, take turns dressing/undressing each other, get down and dirty or even have custom-made coupons for each item of clothing picked/thrown off! 😉 Wouldn’t you like to hire this personal stylist for all year long? 😉
6. The frisky game
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Try Forfeit. Mime something and have your special someone guess what it is you’re hinting at. Somewhat like dumb charades, only with a twist! For example, if she’s sucking at a sausage and hinting at oral and he guesses it wrong, he will either have to remove an item of clothing or perform a sexual act that only pleases her, forfeiting his own pleasure. Play-full, huh? 😉
7. Go ice skating
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Gliding around hand-in-hand with your special someone is exciting, fun, and a fresh change from the wine-and-dine game! So, grab that hot chocolate and marshmallow pack and set about skating. Don’t worry about falling. Even if you do, you’d only be falling deeper in LOVE! 😉
8. Live your own movie moments
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
This is my favorite on the list. Dress up as your favorite characters (how ‘bout Bond and his Bond girl, or ooohh-Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey, huh 😉 ) and meet at a bar or a restaurant and play it up. The thrill shall surely rev up your heartbeats and hormones!! Enough said!! 😉
9. V-day sext-o-thon, anyone?
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
If you can’t spend the whole day together, try the V-day sext-o-thon. Send steamy texts to your significant other all through the day. Nice way to get a fire started, eh? 😉 You may even notch up the fun several degrees higher by rating the erotic texts on your own custom scale (that makes me want to kiss you, that makes me want to tie and eat you – you get the idea, right!) and keeping a score. By the time you get home, you not only have a hot trophy waiting for the winner, but a sizzling surprise for the runner-up too! 😉
10. Where the wild things are
Organize a scavenger hunt for your special someone by bringing back those wild memories. Leave little handwritten notes alongside the clues and place presents that shall help them relive the moment. By the time they get to the final present, they’d be hot and heavy with ‘desire.’ 😉
11. With love letters
Image source: Shutterstock
You may call them outdated but nothing even inches closer to the magic a love letter unfolds when the words on the page leap out to open the doors of your heart! So, what are you waiting for, bring out the writing pad, a pen and start pouring your feelings on paper. You don’t have to be Shakespeare, just write how you feel about your beloved and how blessed you are to have them in your life.
12. Who scored
Image source: Shutterstock
Someone will…on a video game that is! Yes, your man loves the games and you can surely prove that you can beat his ass at it. So, this Valentine’s Day, use that game console to help you get closer than ever!!
Try them out this V-day and don’t forget to capture the moments. We’d love to hear all about it and see how amazing it was!!
Happy loving! Happy V-year!! Happy ‘our year!’ J
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License