How would you categorize your married life? Are you happy with it, or do you often sit back and contemplate the ways it is going wrong? Whatever the case may be, here we are with some of the best tips for doting husbands who want to know how to make their wives happy.
A relationship demands both time and effort and if you are not willing to commit these two things, it will take you nowhere. This is why you should learn the ways to make your wife happy as a happy wife will help you live a happy life.
If you have spent a lot of time fussing about the things to do and the ones not to, you don’t need to fret anymore. We have made use of our expert insight, interviewed various people about their expectations of a relationship, and done a good bit of research and voila, here we are! We bring to you 12 of the most effective tips that are clear winners for your query of how to make your wife happy. So, are you all set for some big changes?
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1. Surprise dates
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Why not come back home one Friday evening and take her for a surprise date? There is no way a surprise date will fail to bring that angelic smile to her face which will end up sweeping you off your feet. So, what are you waiting for? Try thinking of some adorably sweet romantic places where you both can have fun together. Trust us, you’ll see her face light up like never before and the romantic evening will be a treat to remember for the both of you.
2. Oh, compliments!
We are yet to meet a woman who doesn’t love compliments! So, never miss a chance to compliment the beautiful lady in your life. As a husband, it is your duty to ensure that you make your wife feel beautiful about herself. Don’t just pay her a compliment, romance her eyes and mean the words you say. When you are in love, it should be quick, easy, and neat, right? After all, love turns even mortals into poets!
3. Express and impress
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We have seen that one of the key reasons for the fading spark in a relationship is the inability of couples to express themselves. You need to be sure that you are expressing your emotional feelings in an articulate manner. Do not rush when you are looking to explain how exactly you feel. Take the time to let your wife know that you are eternally grateful for her presence in your life. Trust us, it makes all the difference in married life.
4. Observe her carefully
It is important to be observant. Women notice how observant you are and when you stop paying attention to the little things, it saddens them a little. We know women are sometimes hard to get, but they do spice up your life, don’t they? So, every time you are observant and you feel that she has made some sort of change, be quick to discuss it. The good thing to do would be to accept the change, compliment her, and let her know how you feel about it. This little gesture could make her immensely happy and keep the spice in your relationship alive.
5. Kiss and makeup
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We do understand that every couple often goes through different turmoil and troubles in their relationship. In such cases, what do you think is the best solution? Should you give her a reason to sulk and let it become a cause for the widening rift in your relationship? It is about time that you learned how to kiss and makeup. Regardless of whose fault it really is, we would like to tell you that to kiss and makeup is often one of the best ways to end an argument. She will probably smile and be happy, and so will you.
6. Talk to her
Yes, no matter what the trouble is, it is important that you talk to her, discuss the things going on in your mind, and ask her what is bugging her. Sometimes, the words you share might end up making all the difference in your life. You need to know that talking to your wife should not feel forced. Remember the times when you were first falling in love with her and how you craved for her time and company? Rekindle the same magic and the two of you should be good.
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7. Share the chores
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In a relationship, it is important that you learn the art of sharing. The two of you need to do things together as a unit rather than living separate lives under the same roof, with no interweaving. If you really want to know how to make your wife happy, try and share her chores. When you do things together, it is bound to infuse love and understanding in your relationship. Carrying out even the most mundane tasks together has a way of increasing the love quotient and you will be able to spot romance in the weirdest of places, which will leave you mushy.
8. Understand her
You should make an honest effort to understand her. It is important for a husband to be his wife’s pillar of support. Even when the whole world seems to be against her, it is your support that can make the difference. One of the best ways of making your wife happy is to let her know that she has your support. You should sit down with her and understand her, even when she feels like she is a total mess, be her confidence and watch her smile.
9. Impromptu vacation
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Does this beat anything else? Plan a trip and leave all your worries behind as the two of you can simply melt in each other’s arms and have a great time. It is really this easy as all you need to do and worry about is rekindling the flame of romance and making new, happy memories. Trust us, this one almost always seals the deal.
10. Shopping trips
Love demands some sacrifices. If you are one of those guys who absolutely detests trips to the shopping mall and you are still clueless as to why some women are so excited about it, accompany her on one of her retail therapy jaunts and participate in her excitement. She is going to appreciate this so much that she will forget all her worries. Yes, you are welcome. May be you could hang at the men’s section and try and entertain yourself?
11. Prioritize her
You need to absolutely know what and who your priorities are. We do understand that juggling work and other commitments might be a problem, but if you value your relationship and your wife truly matters to you, you need to prioritize love because everything else can take a backseat. When you prioritize your wife, it sends the message that love still makes you weak in the knees and a wife really will never ask for more. They are more than happy to have a husband who takes out time for them regardless of how hectic his schedule is.
Suggested read: 10 simple ways to love your wife
12. Love her
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Happiness and love go hand in hand. You do not need us telling this, but such is the gargantuan importance of this point that we really couldn’t help but have it on our list. Make love to her, worship her body, and show her how much she means to you. There is nothing that will make your wife happier than knowing that her husband loves her more than anything else and will choose her over and over again, every day for the rest of your lives. She was once the apple of your eye and no matter how old your relationship gets, her value in your heart should always be the same.
Do you agree with our pointers on how to make your wife happy? Do you have something to add? What has been your experience of making your wife happy? Darling wives, you too could let us know how amazing your husbands are!
We love top talk of love. Mushy, much?
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