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12 Things You Know To Be True If You Have Insomnia

Insomniac? I feel you.

I am typing this at 3 am, so you know I am in your team.

I am one of those rare breeds who can swing between insomnia and hyper-somnia so quick that you’d think I was that person who is optimistic by nature but suffers from depression (it happens and is pretty severe, btw).

You, however, may not be as eccentric as me. But with sleep not even fluttering anywhere remotely close until the wee hours of the morning, you and I know these- by heart:

1. The eternal sunshine of the dark circles


Image source: collegecandy

Boy, do the dark circles beneath those sleep deprived eyes know how to make their presence count..! They are always there, looking up to see if sleep is entering some tiny corner and glad it isn’t, devising an evil plan to stretch all the way up to the chin! Oh God, no!

2. Baa baa black sheep = BS


Image source: Tumblr

All those who think counting sheep helps in inviting sleep for a sleepover, f**k ya. It doesn’t help one bit- not even for a one-night stand with sleep (which, btw, I’d give anything for). All that it does is remind us that sheep rhymes with sleep, of which we aren’t getting any!

3. Dexter on duty

Remember the curious scientist Dexter we all saw as little children? If you are tired of being an insomniac, you will come up with experimental plans like Dexter. The only difference is while he succeeds, you fail, always.

4. The camera hates you


Image source: rebloggy

With eyes that look like they’ve never known sleep at close quarters, forget about being beautiful. You are destined to be the person who screams of tiredness in all clicks. Don’t trust me? Pick any and check. Mine are too ghastly to dig..

5. A love and hate relationship with coffee

You will have the most inexplicable relationship with coffee. A single sip in the evening means a long night with no trace of sleep. And it is the same coffee that becomes a comfy companion while you pass your time counting the stars and wishing upon some for SLEEP, eh?

Suggested read: 12 things you know to be true if you love sleeping

6. * The night friends*


Image source: Giphy

If you’ve been insomniac for a while, you are sure to have a set of night friends. These are the people who stay up at night with whom you can talk about anything and everything from zombie wars to ooh, ooh Ryan Gosling!

7. GMT

You aren’t working on IST- you are always working in a different time zone. Cool much- well, sort of!

8. Tried every f**ing s**t for sleep


Image source: dailyedge

You have tried every thing that are called ‘solutions’ for your condition- from the sleeping pills to the drinking binge- but nothing has worked! And you look up at the overlords and scream- WHY!

9. Alarm – what?

You don’t know if alarms are a legit entry in the dictionary! You can’t even guess why they were made? You are awake hours before the alarm goes off. Wait, you never sleep, right?

10. Homework, bring it on

You don’t need to worry about not completing your homework. When the rest of the world is sound asleep, you can sit on your desk and do that damn calculus homework. After all, you get more hours than the others!

11. The midnight birthday calls


Image source:

You are the first one to wish people on their birthdays and the last one to hang up! Glad that time spent awake could actually be HAPPY!

12. The trophy time


Image source: girlmeetblog

On those rare days when you go to your bed and do fall asleep – you feel like you have won a f**ing trophy and you can’t stop raving about it for months after because holy shit, it’s a miracle!

Resonate much? Group hug!

Featured image source: havingtime

Article Name
12 Things You Know To Be True If You Have Insomnia
Insomnia is a b*tch!
Shruti Fatehpuria

Shruti Fatehpuria

I am a misfit software engineer who left her work in the corporate world to pursue the insatiable quest to write. A freelance worker by the day, I choose to dream with eyes open wide. I have conversations with myself where I talk of the possibilities that life can hold. Too many wishes made on empty starless nights ensure that there are various dreams yet to be lived. I am working my way as I am on a quest to find myself. The greatest journeys are indeed the ones that lie within. I am yet to live my story because right now, the book is full of too many apostrophes and too many commas. The words are jumbled until the right one fits the puzzle. I don't believe in perfection because too many times, it is imperfection which paints the perfect story. I am verbose and I aim at living life in full swing until a speed breaker curbs the tantalizing pace with which I wish to conquer the dreams that would otherwise be too big for the not-so-tiny shoes I wear. Blessed with a lot of chubby fat, I love going the extra mile to conquer my extra dreams with an extra advice after all, we all love a little extra. A die-hard shopaholic, you can often find me laughing on serious stuff inappropriately at wrong times (unintentionally).