Whiteheads are similar to blackheads, a form of acne that are caused by pores that are clogged with sebum, dirt, grime, and dead skin cells. Whiteheads are mostly small, white or yellow bumps that are formed under the surface of closed pores. Since they are not oxidized due to exposure to oxygen, they are white/yellow in color. These pesky little things mostly appear on your nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, temples, and the area below the lower lip.
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Causes for whiteheads
The most common causes for whiteheads include:
- Overactive sebaceous glands – if your skin is too oily, it attracts dirt and becomes a conducive environment for bacteria. This excess oil gets trapped in pores on your skin, thereby causing acne, pimples, and other skin eruptions.
- Skin care products – certain skin care products, instead of helping make your skin better, do the opposite, thereby causing whiteheads.
- Hormonal changes – puberty, menopause, monthly menstrual cycles – are all instances where your body is flooded with hormones that cause your skin to act up, thereby resulting in whiteheads.
- Genetic factors – some people are genetically predisposed to having whiteheads, nothing to do but try and treat them.
Home remedies for whiteheads
There are plenty of products available in the market that promise to get rid of whiteheads for you, for a price. But why not try these easy and simple home remedies for whiteheads instead, that are totally natural?
1. Apple cider vinegar
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Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid and other vital nutrients, that help get rid of excess oil from your skin. Additionally, thanks to its astringent, antiseptic, and anti-bacterial properties, it helps fight acne and whiteheads effectively.
- Add 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts cornstarch and mix well to form a smooth paste. Smear this on your face and neck, focusing on the affected areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water. Splash some cold water after, to help close up the pores.
- In a clean bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of plain water. Liberally apply this solution on your face using a cotton ball, letting it stay for 10 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
Tip: Use both of these remedies every day for a few weeks to see visible results.
2. Baking soda
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, which helps exfoliate your skin and remove all the dead skin cells, dirt, grime, and excess oil. Additionally, it also helps maintain the pH balance of your skin.
- In a clean bowl, mix together 1 teaspoon of baking soda and enough water to form a smooth, thick paste. Slather this on the affected areas and scrub gently for a minute or two. Let it stay for 5 more minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy thrice a week for best results.
Tip: If you have sensitive skin, do not use baking soda to get rid of whiteheads.
3. Cinnamon
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Cinnamon helps improve your skin tone and complexion, while also helping reduce blackheads and whiteheads quite effectively. Thanks to its anti-microbial properties, it helps fight acne and pimples too.
- In a clean bowl, mix together 1 teaspoon each of aloe vera gel and honey along with a generous pinch of ground cinnamon. Apply this on your face and neck, keeping clear of your eyes. Let it stay for 15 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water. Use this remedy thrice a week for positive results.
- Add enough warm water to 1 teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and oatmeal to form a smooth paste. Smear this on your face and neck, focusing on the affected areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat this remedy a few times a week for best results.
4. Gram flour
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Gram flour is an amazing exfoliating agent, which also helps absorb excess oil from your skin. It helps get rid of dead skin cells, oil, dirt, and other impurities from your skin, while also helping curb unwanted facial hair.
- In a clean bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons of gram flour with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and enough plain yogurt to form a smooth paste. Smear this on your face and neck, letting it stay for about 20 minutes, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy thrice a week for desired results.
5. Lemon juice
Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, citric acid, and alpha hydroxyl acids, all of which help exfoliate your skin and facilitate cell renewal. Additionally, thanks to its astringent properties, it helps get rid of excess oil from your skin.
- Take a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice in a clean bowl and use a cotton ball to apply it all over the affected areas. Let it sit for 20 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat this remedy every night before going to bed to see desired results.
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6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is abrasive in nature, which is perfect for exfoliating your skin to remove all the dead skin cells, dirt, excess oil, and other impurities. Additionally, it also helps absorb excess oil and unclogs the pores.
- Add enough water to 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal to form a smooth paste. Apply this on your face and neck in a thick coat and let it air dry for 15 minutes. Now, wet your fingertips and use them to scrub off the paste from your skin, gently exfoliating it to minimize pores and reduce whiteheads.
- In a clean bowl, mix together 4 tablespoons of ground oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, and 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and honey to form a smooth paste. Slather this on your just washed face, leaving it on for 20 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water.
Tip: Repeat both of these remedies twice a week to get rid of whiteheads successfully.
7. Potatoes
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Potatoes are rich in starch, which are helpful in getting rid of whiteheads effectively.
- Blend 1 small potato in a food processor to form a smooth paste. Slather this on your face and neck, keeping clear of your eyes. Let it stay for half an hour, before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat this remedy every other day to get rid of whiteheads, while also helping exfoliate your skin.
8. Steam
Applying steam to your face helps get rid of whiteheads and blackheads quite effectively. It softens and opens up the pores, thereby helping remove the dirt, excess oil, and dead skin cells from them.
- Dip a soft, clean towel in warm water and wring out the excess water. Now, place it on your face and press gently so that your skin absorbs as much of the warmth from the towel as possible. Let it stay till it’s warm and then remove it. Repeat this same process a few more times in one sitting, to help get rid of whiteheads successfully.
- In a saucepan, boil some water till steam rises out of it. Turn the heat off and place your face close enough to the pan to catch the steam on your face. Cover your head with a towel to help corral the steam rising up. Do this for about 5-10 minutes. Then, pat dry with a soft towel.
Tip: Follow either of these remedies twice a week for best results. You can use this remedy with any of the facial scrubs or exfoliating masks mentioned in this article.
9. Strawberries
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Strawberries contain salicylic acid and ellagic acid, both of which are highly effective to get rid of whiteheads and acne breakouts. It helps exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin cells, dirt, and other impurities, while also helping unclog the pores. It also helps protect your skin from sun damage.
- Blend 4 ripe strawberries in a food processor to form a smooth paste. To this, add 1 tablespoon of honey and mix well. Slather this on your face and neck, keeping clear of your eyes. Massage this into your skin using your fingertips in circular motions for a few minutes. Leave it on for 20 minutes, before washing it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy twice a week for a few months to notice visible results.
10. Sugar
Sugar is another ingredient which helps get rid of whiteheads successfully. Not only will it help exfoliate your skin, it also removes the debris and grime trapped in your pores.
- Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the same amount of sugar and mix well. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this as well. Use this to scrub your face gently yet thoroughly, using your fingertips in circular motions. Let it stay for 5 minutes, before rinsing it off with plain water. Repeat this remedy twice a week for a few weeks to see visible results.
11. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a natural astringent, which helps control excess oil from your skin, while also helping get rid of whiteheads. Thanks to its anti-bacterial properties, it also helps fight acne and pimples too.
- Put 4 drops of tea tree oil to a wet Q-tip and dab it on the affected areas. Let it stay for half an hour, before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat this remedy twice a day for best results.
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12. Tomatoes
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and biotin, both of which help get rid of whiteheads, while also giving life to dull, drab skin.
- Rub the pulp of 1 small tomato on your face and neck, focusing on the affected areas for a few minutes. Leave it on for 15 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water. Follow this remedy every day for a few weeks to notice visible results.
These are all the amazingly effective home remedies for whiteheads you need. For more updates on skin care, beauty tips, and makeup secrets, subscribe to our newsletter today!
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