Of all the different kinds of relationships that exist on the planet, long distance relationships may be the most challenging. The reason being that the two people in the relationship are living far away from each other, sometimes for a definite period of time and sometimes even for an uncertain period of time. But then it has also been seen that those in a long distance relationship are more committed to each other than those who live geographically closer to each other. If you can stay steady and give your heart and soul to the person you love, then it won’t be as hard as it may seem.
If you are in a long distance relationship, then you must be committed to each other and maintain good communication to make it work. You may need some changes in your lookout, attitude, and your lifestyle in order for this to happen. Here are some pieces of solid long distance dating advice from our relationship experts that will grow your faith in your love life in spite of all the distance that exists between you and your partner.
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These are some of things that you MUST do in order to keep your long distance relationship going:
Suggested read: The EPIC guide to long distance relationships
1. ALWAYS stay in touch
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When you are in a long distance relationship, you don’t see each other often and don’t get to have as many fulfilling conversations, even though you get to talk on the phone. To make communication strong for the both of you, we strongly suggest that you always keep a conversation going. It isn’t very difficult and it won’t take up too much of your time at all. All that you have to do is just send texts whenever you have the time. Check in on your partner and ask how they are doing that day. Stay updated on their daily routine and affairs. If you stay connected on a daily basis, then you won’t miss out on any significant event or incident that takes place in your partner’s life. This is an important factor in making long distance dating work.
2. Build trust
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In a long distance relationship, neither of you can really know how your partner behaves, talks, or even acts when around someone of the opposite sex. It is quite natural that your partner will feel possessive and curious about your movements and the way you handle temptations in real life. You have to prove yourself to be trustworthy to your partner if you seriously love them in spite of all the distance. You must shun all kinds of temptations that could jeopardize your relationship. Be as faithful as you can, as this is not something that you can compromise on. Just because your partner is not physically present with you, you do not get the liberty to do as you please and flirt around. You should be honest with yourself, and if you can’t keep this promise, then the relationship probably won’t work out. If you do make a mistake in this regard then make sure that you confess and apologize to your partner.
3. You have to accept your long distance relationship with all of its ups and downs
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This is one of the important steps of getting into a long distance relationship. It isn’t going to be easy, but it isn’t impossible either. Whatever the circumstances of the relationship may be, you shouldn’t be discouraged that you are currently far apart from each other. Instead, you should look forward to the next time you will see each other. If you fail to be patient now, you will ruin your chances of having a better future together.
4. Be satisfied
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You know you love your partner, although they live far away. Don’t let the distance dampen your love for your partner. Value the relationship that you already have. Let the fact that your partner loves you and is equally missing your closeness make you feel happy about the deep bond that you two share. If the distance ever stresses you out, just think of how lucky you are to have your partner in your life. You should feel great about having a strong relationship with excellent communication.
5. You can have fun, even though you are far away
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Who said being far away from each other means you can never have any kind of fun? Quite the contrary, your relationship can be all the more fun because of the distance. You can fix a time to watch a movie or TV while on Skype together. Start a hobby that the both of you will have fun doing, even while separated. Play games that allow the both of you to play together on a virtual platform. Maybe you are far apart, but that does not mean you can’t have as much fun as people in normal relationships do.
6. Meet up whenever you can, no matter how little time you have to spend together
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Never give up the chance to meet up with your partner. Even if they are visiting your town just for a day, make sure you do something special for their visit. Even seeing each other briefly will help you survive the following days of separation.
Suggested read: The BEST long distance relationship advice ever
And now a list of things that you must NEVER do if you want your long distance relationship to last:
1. Don’t get pessimistic
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We all know how difficult long distance relationships are, and it is pretty normal for the distance to get us down from time to time. But you can cheer up by thinking of all the perks of being in a long distance relationship with your partner. You will have a lot of space and time to yourself, and you don’t have to tolerate all the irritating habits that they have. Experts have said that long distance dating is as good as you choose to make it. We suggest you to take advantage of the perks of being in a long distance relationship rather than focusing on the negatives.
2. Don’t let other people’s opinions get to you
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Many people will voice negative opinions about your relationship, but don’t listen to them. Do what makes you happy. Only you know the hurdles and happiness of being in a long distance relationship, no one else does. So if you think your relationship is working just great for you, then don’t bother about what other people are saying. They haven’t been in the situation that you are in, so their opinions and suggestions will hardly be useful for you. Decide for yourself whether you truly value your relationship. And if you do, don’t let anything stop you from being happy about it.
3. Don’t be impatient
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It goes without saying that long distance relationships will require both parties to be very patient and tolerating. While absence makes the heart grow fonder, it also creates a lot of stress that comes from the uncertainty of not being able to see each other in person very often. You decidedly and very consciously signed up for this, so it is only expected that you shouldn’t give up on your relationship and hurt your partner in the process.
4. Don’t be predictable
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If you want to make your long distance relationship work, you must be as spontaneous as you can. After all, that is the key to keeping the romance alive in long distance dating. Don’t always call at the same time and make it a routine. Don’t send the same kinds of texts again and again. This will make your relationship extremely dull. Be creative and think hard before conveying your message to your partner. Say ‘I love you’ in various languages or call them different cute pet names every day. There are a lot of ways to keep your relationship fun and interesting, even from far away.
5. Don’t take up all their time
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You can’t expect your partner to be available all the time for you just because you are far away from them. It’s unreasonable to overly depend on your partner, and you two should develop your own interests and friendships outside of your relationship. You have to know about your partner’s schedule and call them up or contact them accordingly.
6. Don’t be negligent of the time difference
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If your partner is living in another corner of the world, then make sure to stick to times that are convenient for both of you to maintain balance in the relationship.
Suggested read: Signs to know if you should BE in that long-distance relationship
‘They’ve got trains and planes and cars, I’ll walk to you if I had no other way.’
Our 12 golden tips and this song by Plain White Ts are all you need to help you get over your long distance relationship blues.
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