Flipping through more and more albums filled with pictures from childhood where I’m literally crowned like the princess my daddy always intends for me to be (a warrior princess, though- tough and fierce), I realize just how much I love to be daddy’s princess.
If you are a daddy’s princess too, you know just how amazing the whole journey is because this one is a fairy tale that REALLY extends into forever:
1. Superheroes are real (only in a different role!)
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As someone who’ll lift you over his head, give you a rescue ride at 3 AM, pay off all your bills, and treat you as the most special and delicate thing he’s ever known – he’s a hero to cheer for. He is there for you, no matter what and that’s all you need from a hero, don’t you?
Suggested read: 25 invaluable nuggets of relationship advice my father gave me
2. A cuddle from him and all worries vanish as if they weren’t even there
If there’s a heaven, you’ve known and felt, it’s in your dad’s strong arms, I bet. His caress can wipe away all the troubles like magic.
3. Music and food choices can be hereditary (from your sweet daddy’s side, of course)
I don’t know if some scientific sh*t explains this – but if it’s not in the genes, it’s seriously friggin’ contagious. Otherwise, how on earth do you explain the mirror reflection of fried chicken take outs with ‘The Beatles,’ huh?
4. Somehow, the same lame 10 jokes can sound hilarious when coming from him
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That’s the beauty of the relationship you share. He’s definitely got a magical secret or how else would the same knock-knock joke send you into a fit of laughter even after all these years!
5. Together there’s no one you can’t make jealous (#MammaWatchOut)
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The perfect team for everything from fishing to shopping, there’s a nasty way your inside jokes and out-of-the-world understanding teases all others who love you! And you know that you aren’t letting go of this fun ride, like ever!
6. The perfect man for you comes with a special recipe
Just like him (or, at least, someone he approves of, ha!)
7. He could give an FBI agent a competition when it’s the question of the boys in your life
Where do they live, what do they do, how do they know you, who are their fathers, and even their watchman’s name – daddy knows it all! Uh uh, he NEEDS to know it all, and he WILL!
8. Two against the world can be enough
Image source: Shutterstock
Right from changing the color of your hair to making the career switch you are dreading, he is your one-stop solution kiosk. He shall be by your side through all the battles you face, knowing you can fight through. And God forbid you fail, you know he’s got your back. So, when he’s on your team, you hardly need worry!
9. You’re the best team to win the lazy solution competition
Be it getting ready for school or cleaning your room before mom comes back from shopping, the two of you can come up with such brilliant ideas that get things done without compromising your lazy fun that it’s FUN doing the work!
10. It will always be the hardest thing to be given away at the wedding
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A treasured moment, yes, but how do you let go of the hand that’s held you ALWAYS?
11. A teardrop down your cheek and nothing is impossible anymore
You are the world to him and he just can’t let that tear drop fall – everybody knows that!
Suggested read: Lessons I knew I would teach my daughter
12. No matter who you become in life – You’re always going to be your daddy’s princess
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
In a world that’s changing at a constant pace, your daddy’s unconditional love is the one thing you can blindly trust on to last forever. There’s no other love that can dare challenge you being his princess forever after.
Love you daddy! :*
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License