A guy’s friend group is an interesting bunch of people. They are all a motley crew of attention seekers, but they won’t let the others know. Bros are always the people you turn to when you need to have some fun, find someone who will listen to your ridiculous love life or just play some intense counter-strike with… And you know you have all of these in your gang…
1. The party animal
Image source: Tumblr
Whether you have topped your class or evaded a speeding ticket – this guy wants a party. If he is rich, then he is your best friend. If he is a miser, then you just find him irritating. This guy is the one who always knows when you are in a good mood and will go to any extent to elicit some treat or the other. He is with you on your best, and if you are lucky – with you at your worst. He is also the one who is still standing after everyone else has passed out – simply because he is used to it.
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2. The homophobe
Image source: Tumblr
Remember the guy who used to cringe every time you sat a little too close to him? He is the one who is always paranoid about going into the gym room because there are too many guys wearing towels. He is also the one who thinks that homosexuality is a disease and will not watch Game of Thrones because of the gay sex scenes. Douche! But you know he loves ya…
3. The guy who might be gay
Image source: Tumblr
He is the one who doesn’t mind you sitting too close to him! In fact, he is the one who asks you to change in his room instead of going to the bathroom! There is nothing wrong with him being gay- it’s just that he should admit it so that his friends don’t get the wrong signals. Like tugging at towels in the gym room! He also might be best friends with the guy above. Then it gets plain fricking hilarious.
4. The one who plays too many video games
Image source: sporcle
He is the one with the amazing computer, Xbox, PS4 and no social life. He will finish the side missions of GTA V than go out with other friends. If you are ever bored, then this is the guy to go too. His only interaction with people of the other sex is when that one French chick on Counter Strike called him a cheater. But he’s a bro you turn to- for game!!
5. The failed poet
Image source: Goodreads
He is the guy who always starts quoting some obscure poet from France every time you are having a good time. There is poetry in everything for this guy – from a sunrise to an empty beer bottle. He will message you on facebook and ask you to proofread his terrible poetry in the middle of the night and he is the one who will always drift off in the middle of the party to write bullshit on the napkins. Pretty ba*tard bro!
6. The guys who is always broke
Image source: Giphy
This is the guy who asks you to cover for him at the restaurant but won’t ever pay you back. He is the one who is always too broke to have some fun – but still joins the party because someone always covers for him. He’s a nice guy, it’s just that you’d like the miser to flip out his wallet just the one time. Maybe you have a bet going on about whether he even owns one!
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7. The overly attached best friend
Image source: Giphy
He is the one who assumes he is invited to the movie you are going to with your girlfriend. He also turns each of your problems into world issues and will go to unnecessary lengths to make sure that the problem he tried to fix has been made worse because of his intervention. He knows your mother better than you know her. And occasionally helps her out to make you breakfast too. Boy, can he get on your nerves but you know he simply means the best..that ra*cal!
8. The eternal braggart
Image source: Tumblr
Love him or hate him, you can’t get rid of him!
He is always talking about his second uncle from America who got him the new iphone on which he takes videos of his late night drives in his dad’s Audi. He is the one who had the multifunctional pencil box in primary school. Yes, the one with all the cool buttons. He will also be the one bragging about going to second base in sixth grade. Yes, this is that guy…
9. The one who is always late
Image source: Tumblr
If you ask him to meet you at 10:30, he will turn up two hours late. And he always answers with odd numbers – he is always 7 or 13 minutes late. And he never claims to be more than 15 minutes away, except that he probably just woke up from sleep. He is also the one who takes 45 minutes to poop. That is why you always tell him to come 1 hour before the time everyone else is coming at. That is the ONLY way you can get him to be on time and not reach a movie just as the closing credits are about to roll away!
10. The one who makes all the plans but never turns up
Image source: New Girl
He will be the one who is the first person to make a plan and prepare for it and then when he has finally convinced you that it is not as lame as the last one he missed – he does not turn up and you have to listen to the failed poet’s latest love sonnet…Dayam!
11. The Wantreprenuer
Image source: storyturk
This guy is always looking for ways to become a millionaire. He has high ambitions, but all his efforts are misdirected. He wants to be the next Steve Jobs, but his ideas aren’t that bright. He will look for a business opportunity in anything, from a self servicing toothbrush to a machine for peeling bananas. His ambition is appreciable, but you don’t want a guy who screams “This should be a thing!” every single time you discuss how friendzoning FIRs should be real or gaming a full-time job!
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12. The dirty dog
Image source: Giphy
This is the guy who never cleans his room and prefers to stay in his underwear all day. You will find him amongst empty cigarette packs, cold cups of tea and random clothes he has been wearing for a month. He will ask you to leave the dirty plates in his room once you are done eating and if you come back a week later – you will still find them there. These friends usually have a mom who is a cleanliness freak. This mother will tell you to convince him to clean up. You will fail. The end.
Whether annoying or awesome, all these bros make sure they always have your back- when you are laughing, crying, or passed out on the ground! Cheers!
Featured image source: viraltrunk