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11 Natural Home Remedies For Jaundice That Are Highly Effective

Jaundice is a problem of the liver, which can affect babies as well as adults. Even though a lot of people consider jaundice a serious problem, there are actually a number of home remedies for jaundice that could cure and prevent the problem, without having to resort to chemical and pharmaceutical medicines.

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

What characterizes jaundice is the yellowish nature of the eyes, which is the most common symptom in jaundice patients. The yellowing is caused by the excess presence of bilirubin in the blood stream, which is a compound that is usually flushed out by the liver. The function of bilirubin is to get rid of the dead and useless red blood cells, and when there is a problem with the liver, it is unable to get rid of these elements properly, causing a yellowing of the body, especially in the cornea of the eyes. The commons symptoms of jaundice are:

  • Yellowing of the eyes
  • High fever
  • Nausea
  • Weight loss
  • Yellow, pungent urine
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Loss of appetite

If these symptoms start appearing, you are most likely developing jaundice. However, there isn’t a reason to worry, because here are some of the most effective natural home remedies for jaundice that can help you get rid of the problem in no time.

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1. Tomato juice

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License 

If you have been suffering from liver problems which might have led to the development of jaundice in your system, tomato juice is one of the most effective home remedies for it. It contains a compound called lycopene, which helps in healing the liver if it has been injured or lacks nutrition. Simply boil 5 tomatoes till they are soft and peel off their skin. After they are completely cooled push them through a sieve and extract the juice. Drink this juice with a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of black salt in the morning to help keep jaundice at bay.

2. Lemons

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Image source: PIxabay, under Creative Commons License 

When you are suffering from jaundice, it is important to help your body eliminate the toxins to get rid of the elements that are causing the problem. Lemons are diuretic in nature, which means they can help the increased production of urine to get rid of the excess bilirubin in your body. It also helps the liver produce more bile and absorb the nutrients necessary to help the problem. Simply add the juice of one lemon in a liter of warm water and drink the entire bottle over the course of one day for adequate lemon intake during jaundice.

3. Radish leaves

 radish leaves_new_love_times

Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License

Jaundice is characterized by constipation and a loss of appetite, because the body is unable to get enough nutrition, or excrete the toxins. Thus, one of the most effective home remedies for jaundice would be to increase the intake of fibers, which are present in abundance in radish leaves. This helps increase metabolism and bowel movement, and at the same time, increases the appetite, so that the body is able to absorb more nutrients necessary to cure the problem.

Blend 10-15 radish leaves in a blender and extract the juice by putting them through a sieve. Drink at least 500ml of this juice on a daily basis to get rid of jaundice in about a week’s time.

4. Sugarcane


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Sugarcane can help your body heal the liver faster and it also improves digestion and bowel movements. The juice of sugar canes can also help increase the secretion of bile, and because of the fact that it is alkaline in nature, it also helps in reducing acid levels in the body for faster recovery from jaundice. You can either drink a glass of freshly extracted juice of sugarcanes every day. You can also chew on a piece of sugarcane in the morning, so that you can consume the juice as well as a healthy amount of fibre.

5. Turmeric


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Turmeric can help your body absorb essential fats which helps in the proper functioning of the body, especially the digestive and excretory system. Turmeric is also a cholagogue, which essentially means that it helps your gallbladder get rid of the excess bilirubin and helps the liver produce more bile in the body. A lot of people feel averse to consuming turmeric when they have jaundice because it is yellow, but it is, in fact, a miracle natural home remedy for the condition.

Simply mix around 1 teaspoon of powdered turmeric in a glass of water and consume in the morning. Alternatively, you can also have a 2 inch slice of raw turmeric with jaggery, to get relief from jaundice.

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6. Barley water

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Image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

Barley is also an effective diuretic, and one of the most effective home remedies for jaundice for that reason. Barley can help your liver go into overdrive in order to flush out the toxins that have accumulated in your body, and it also reduces the yellowing of your skin, eyes and urine. To prepare barley water, add a cup of barley grains to 5-6 litres of water and bring to a boil. After straining the water, let it cool completely. Add lemon, sugar and a pinch of salt to each glass of barley water that you drink. It is advisable to consume 5 glasses a day at least to see the effects.

7. Papaya


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Papaya is rich in compounds such as pectin and beta-carotene, which are both essential not only for the proper functioning of the liver, but to ensure that the overall health of your body remains good. It also makes for a great natural and tasty snack and has been found to be a great cure for jaundice. You can have papayas in any form- raw, ripe, juiced or diced. You can even have papaya leaves by crushing them and making a paste, which can be consumed after dissolving in water.

8. Ginger

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License 

Ginger is a great anti-oxidant for the body, which promotes good health for your liver specifically, and helps you get rid of the toxins that are in your body. it is also effective in getting rid of the excess bilirubin. Ginger is also a fresh and healthy ingredient which can help get rid of the other symptoms of jaundice like nausea, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Crush or blend a piece of ginger and strain it to extract the juice. Add this juice to a teaspoon of lime juice and a little honey to create a refreshing concoction which you can consume 2-3 times a day. You can also add more ginger to your diet to help prevent jaundice.

9. Spinach

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Spinach is one of the best sources for iron. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, a compound found in blood which helps keep the red blood cells healthy. Jaundice is caused when the red blood cells are unhealthy and are not able to leave the body to be replaced by healthy red blood cells. Consuming spinach can help improve the health and quality of red blood cells, which in turn can help cure your jaundice faster. You can consume spinach in the form of a smoothie, which is rich in vitamins and minerals as well. You can also have spinach in salads and in other forms as a part of your daily diet.

10. Neem

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Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License 

Neem can help positively affect the liver directly by removing toxins and rendering good health to the body. It is used to cure several gastric problems, because of its anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial properties. It is also rich in essential vitamins and minerals which the body requires when it is recuperating from jaundice. The best way to consume need is by blending a handful of neem leaves to make a smooth paste. Mix this paste in 200 ml of water and consume at least twice a day for a week to cure and treat problems like jaundice.

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11. Almonds


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The liver requires some special nutrients like magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, calcium and iron, which are all present in abundance in almonds. These nuts not only help in fighting any infection that might develop inside the body as a result of jaundice, but also eliminates the toxins that build up in the liver. When mixed with a few more ingredients, it makes one of the most naturally effective home remedies for jaundice.

To make this paste, soak 15 almonds, 5 dates and 3 small cardamoms overnight in a bowl of water. Drain the water, remove the skins from the nuts and the core from the dates and blend all the ingredients to make a fine paste. Mix in a teaspoon of sugar and butter and consume daily for 2 weeks.

Even though jaundice might seem like a serious medical issue, there are in fact, several natural ingredients which can help treat and improve the condition, without having to resort to chemical remedies. However, if the problem persists, do not hesitate to get immediate medical help.

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image, under Creative Commons License

Article Name
11 Natural Home Remedies For Jaundice That Are Highly Effective
Jaundice is a problem that affects kids and adults alike. Find out about the best, natural home remedies for jaundice to get rid of the problem effectively!
Aishani Laha

Aishani Laha

Bibliophile. Feminist. Unreasonable optimist. I am dangerously obsessed with the English language and the stage is my second home. I still believe in fairy tales and happy endings, and more importantly, that there is nothing that good music and a cup of coffee can’t fix.