Bipolar disorder is a highly debilitating mental condition, where the person suffers from intense mood swings. Even though a lot of people suffer from mood swings, bipolarity is an extreme form, where they barely have any control over their emotions, and it is hard to keep track of their emotional register. What you might not is that there are several natural home remedies for bipolar disorder that you can use to help improve the condition immensely.
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Before you check out these home remedies, it is important to understand that these aren’t standalone treatments for the condition. There are trained professionals who give the best possible advice on how to tackle the situation, and these remedies aid and accelerate the process of improvement. Before learning about these remedies, here are a few causes and symptoms of bipolarity.
Causes of Bipolar disorder
- Hormonal problems
- Mental abuse
- Physical abuse
- Childhood trauma
- Accidents
- Genetic factors
- Stress
- Drug abuse
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Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
- Unnatural euphoria
- Bouts of depression
- Fluctuation between over-confidence and low self-esteem
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Hyperventilation
- Inability to concentrate
- Insomnia
- Eating disorders
- Extreme irritation
- Irrational reactions
- Violent fits
- Suicidal tendencies
Bipolar disorder disrupts the natural mental framework of a person, and not only adversely affects their lives, but also the lives of the people around them. Here are some of the most practical and effective and all-natural home remedies for bipolar disorder.
1. Fish oil
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Fish oil is one of the most effective home remedies for bipolar disorder, simply because it helps regulate the nervous system, and generates hormones, which keep bipolar behaviour in control. It is rich in substances like omega 3 fatty acids and compounds called DHA (dacosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which helps regulate the hormones in the brain which prevent depression and excitement from taking over the body. Fish oil can be found in natural sources like tuna, trout and salmon. You can also consume fish oil capsules which are easily available, on the advice and prescription of your doctor.
2. Regular exercise
Exercise is recommended for people suffering from bipolar disorder, not only because it is good for the body, but also because it is good for the mind. It can help you regain control of your life, and stay on a schedule. If bipolarity stems from a sense of insecurity, then exercising and keeping well can help you feel good about yourself, thereby reducing the intensity of the symptoms which are usually seen in people with bipolar disorder.
3. Regulate your sleep patterns
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Sleep is one of the things that are affected when you are suffering from this condition. It might lead to unnatural sleeping spells that last for over 12 hours, and it might also cause insomnia. Regulating your sleep is important to keep the condition in control. If you are unable to sleep, drink a warm glass of milk before bed and listen to some white noise to induce a lull in your mind to prevent you from over thinking. If you are sleeping too much, delegate a person to wake you up so that you don’t oversleep. Having a proper sleep cycle is crucial to overcome the problem faster.
4. Gingko Biloba
Gingko Bilbo is a natural tree extract, which directly affects the brain and helps it to concentrate and reduce stress. It also regulates the hormone which is responsible for memory and blood circulation. When blood circulation to your brain increases to a normal level, you feel more at ease with your own body, and the stresses and anxieties that occur due to your condition, fade away. It has also been proven to be a highly effective remedy for depression, significantly improves your mood, when consumed on a daily basis in the morning.
5. Flaxseed oil
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Flaxseed is an excellent antioxidant which flushes out the toxic compounds from your body, and renders your mind and your body with good health. It also makes your normal food a hell lot tastier when you add flaxseed oil to it. Flaxseed oil is a well-known natural remedy for nerve problems, which is commonly seen in people who suffer from bipolar disorder. You can take flaxseed supplements in the form of capsules, or you can also add it to your daily diet, by adding it in bread and salads.
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6. Brahmi
Brahmi is a naturally occurring Indian herb, which has been used since ancient times as a remedy for memory and nerve related problems. Bipolar disorder also falls under this spectrum; therefore Brahmi can be used as an effective remedy to treat this problem. Brahmi can also help solve your sleeping problems, and regulate sleeping patterns, if you have difficulty falling asleep. It acts as a natural sedative, without any side-effects. If you are having trouble concentrating, or suffering from short-term memory loss, then you can use Brahmi to enhance your memory and help you focus on your daily activities and your mental health. You can get a head massage with Brahmi oil, or even drink 2 teaspoons of Brahmi juice that has been extracted from its leaves, to get relief from your condition.
7. Yoga
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Yoga is a wonderfully non-intrusive and all-natural source of calm and better mental health. Yoga has been used since ancient times to cure physical and mental problems, and it can help reduce practically all the symptoms that appear when you have bipolar disorder. There are specific asanas that are designed to help you concentrate, feel more calm and collected, get better sleep and avoid manic spells and depression. When practised regularly, yoga can help you get rid of the problem altogether. It appeals to your core energy, which calms you down from within, and not for a temporary and short-term basis.
8. Valerian root
Valerian root is a naturally occurring substance which is a natural sedative and memory booster. Along with other mental problems, it is also used to solve bipolar disorder. It helps you avoid depression, and if you have trouble falling asleep, then it can also calm your system down and help you get your rest. Valerian roots regulate and calm your excited nerves, and if you suffer from headaches, then it can give you relief from those too. If you feel restless in certain situations, drinking valerian root tree can prove to be very effective, and stop the feeling of uneasiness and excitement you feel, immediately. You can also consume Valerian roots in the form of a capsule, which you can take after your meals.
9. A balanced diet
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A balanced diet is important to consume a balanced meal as part of your regular diet, so that you don’t fall short of any of the nutrients your body needs for optimum physical and mental health. Some of the things you need as part of your balanced diet include protein, omega 3 fatty acid, folic acid, vitamins and minerals. All of this you can find in fishes, green leafy vegetables, legumes, dairy products and other things that should ideally be a part of your balanced diet. You should also not skip meals if you are trying to figure out how to reduce the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
10. Licorice
Licorice has been used to treat depression and anxiety for a very long time, because of the natural calming properties it contains. Licorice is also helpful for your mood swings, when you are feeling out of control, as it regulates your hormones and promotes a feeling of drowsiness and calm when you are feeling overly excited and out of control. Licorice can be consumed either in the form of tea. To make licorice tea, steep a few licorice roots in boiling water, and drink once it has cooled slightly. You can also add a little honey to the tea for flavor. You can also dissolve licorice powder in water and consume this, to help get relief from the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
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11. Socialize
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People who are bipolar tend to isolate themselves. This is a natural instinct that you have to overcome, if you are suffering from this condition. Letting others, especially friends and family know about your condition can help them react to you better, and encourage you the right way, so that you recover faster. Confiding in someone, and knowing that they understand you and do not judge you and seek your company can be a great mental reliever, and help with the other problems and anxieties that you might be happening. Having some close people to talk to and confide in can also improve your social performance and behavior in general, and aid a speedy recovery.
Bipolar disorder is more common that you would think, and even though therapy and pharmaceutical solutions are always there to help you through the condition, these natural home remedies also help reduce the symptoms and triggers of the problem to a great extent, so that your life remains in your control.
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