Are you experiencing a burning sensation in your feet? Don’t worry, because it’s a common enough problem that could affect people of any age. However, it could range from mild to severe in its intensity, and could be acute or chronic in nature. The sensation could be described as something between tingling and/or burning, which could be constant, or intermittent. The burning sensation could be due to nerve damage in your legs, which is called neuropathy, or the pins and needles stinging pain called parasthesia.
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Causes of burning sensation in the feet
These are some of the most common causes for the burning sensation in your feet:
- Diabetes
- Nerve injuries
- Chronic alcohol abuse
- Exposure to certain toxins
- Athlete’s foot
- Traumas
- Injuries
- Fatigue
- Lyme disease
- Insect bites or stings
- Chronic kidney disease
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Burning feet syndrome
- Deficiency of vitamin B6 and B12, folic acid, thiamine, or calcium
- Edema
- High blood pressure
- Low thyroid levels
- Inflamed blood vessels
The underlying cause of the burning sensation in the feet is a must so that the right treatment is followed. Along with the burning sensation in the feet, there are other symptoms like redness, swelling, dull ache, peeling skin, increased sensitivity to temperature, change in color and texture of the skin, and even excessive sweating.
Home remedies for burning feet
Although there are over-the-counter medications to control and get relief from burning feet, these home remedies for burning feet could be given a shot too. Let’s take a look:
1. Apple cider vinegar
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective home remedies for burning feet, since it helps balance the pH level in the body.
- In a glass of warm water, stir in 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Drink this once a day to get relief from the burning sensation.
- Fill a small tub with hot water, to which add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Also add some Epsom salt or sea salt, and dissolve it. Dip your feet and soak them in this solution for about 20 minutes every day for relief from burning feet.
2. Bitter gourd
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Bitter gourd is another ingredient which is used to find relief from burning feet, especially in traditional medicine.
- Take a handful of bitter gourd leaves and grind them with a bit of water to get a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your feet generously to find relief from the burning sensation. Repeat this remedy as needed.
3. Cold water
Cold water is another excellent natural remedy for burning feet. In fact, the cold water provides almost instant relief from the numbness, tingling, and swelling of the feet.
- Fill a small tub with cold water. Dip and soak your feet in this for about 5-10 minutes. Take out your feet and rest them for a few minutes, before soaking them again. Repeat this remedy several times a day till you find relief.
Pro tip: Do not apply an ice pack or ice cubes directly to your feet, since it could worsen the symptoms.
4. Epsom salt
Epsom salt is known to help reduce inflammation, burning, and pain, whether it’s your feet or any other part of the body. It’s made of magnesium sulfate, which is the main ingredient which helps with the burning sensation and the accompanying pain.
- Add half a cup of Epsom salt to a small tub of warm water, enough to cover your feet. Dissolve the salt and soak your feet in it for about 15 minutes. Repeat this remedy once a day for a few days to find relief from the burning sensation.
Pro tip: This remedy might not be suitable for some people who suffer from certain medical conditions. So it’s imperative that you consult your doctor before trying this one out.
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5. Exercise
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Being physically active helps improve blood circulation throughout the body, thereby helping find relief from burning feet.
- Run or jog on a regular basis, because they’re both excellent in improving blood circulation in the body.
- When your feet are burning, try walking barefoot on sand or on soft grass for a few minutes to find quick relief from the burning.
6. Ginger
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Ginger is another ingredient which is amazing when it comes to reducing the burning sensation in your feet. The compounds found in ginger help increase blood circulation in the body, thereby providing quick relief from the burning.
- Add 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice to some warm olive oil or coconut oil, and mix well. Use this to massage your feet and legs for about 10 minutes to find relief from the burning. Do this once a day for best results.
- Add 2 cups of hot water to 2 teaspoons of ginger slices. Cover it with a lid, letting it steep for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 cups of this ginger tea every day.
- Prepare ginger tea as mentioned above and soak your feet in the warm liquid to find relief.
7. Hawthorn berry
Hawthorn berry is known to help dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the body, thereby easing the pain and the burning in your feet.
- To 2 cups of water, add 1 tablespoon of hawthorn, and bring to a boil. Strain and drink this tea twice a day for best results.
8. Massage
Using a massage oil like olive oil or mustard oil, massaging the affected areas helps relieve the burning sensations in the feet. Not only will it have a soothing effect on your burning feet, it will also help improve blood circulation as well.
- Warm some massage oil like mustard, olive, or coconut oil, and apply this on your feet. Massage your feet using upward motions with firm fingers, for about 10 minutes. Repeat this remedy every day before going to bed to find relief.
9. Thyme
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Thyme is an herb that is extensively used in cooking, but it is also excellent to treat burning in your feet. Not only does it help promote blood circulation, it also helps ease constricted blood vessels, which in turn will relieve the burning sensation. Additionally, it also contains anti-microbial properties, which help in treating the burning caused due to athlete’s foot.
- Take a handful of thyme and soak them in two bowls. Fill two small tubs with hot water and cold water. Now add the soaked thyme into the two tubs, along with the water from the bowls. Dip and soak your feet in the hot water tub for 5 minutes first, and then switch to the cold water tub for a few minutes. Alternate between the two tubs for about 20 minutes to find relief. Repeat this remedy once every day for positive results.
10. Turmeric
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Turmeric has been known as an effective remedy for a number of ailments, and burning feet is no exception. It contains rich amounts of a compound called curcumin, which helps improve blood flow and circulation through the body. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the burning sensation and pain quite effectively.
- To a glass of warm water, stir in 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder. Drink this twice every day for positive results.
- Add enough water to 2 tablespoons of turmeric to form a paste, and apply it on the affected areas once or twice every day for a few days.
11. Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 is known to improve blood circulation, strengthen the nerves, and prevent the nerves from damage. A deficiency of vitamin B3 could also cause burning sensation in your feet, so upping its intake will help relieve it.
- Include foodstuff that are rich in vitamin B3, like wheat bran, wheat germ, whole grain products, milk, yogurt, egg yolks, peanuts, peas, beans, and other green vegetables.
- Ingesting vitamin B3 supplements will also help, but only after consulting a doctor about the suitability and dosage.
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Additional tips
- Never wear shoes without socks.
- Use insoles, inserts, or pads inside your footwear to ensure that your feet get proper support.
- Always go for footwear that fit you properly, and is comfortable.
- Rest your feet every now and then, with your feet elevated.
- Acupuncture and/or magnetic therapy are known to provide relief from the burning sensations.
- Include foods that contain essential fatty acids in your regular dietary intake.
- Cut back significantly on smoking and drinking alcohol.
These are all the natural home remedies for burning feet, which help alleviate the burning sensation and the accompanying pain in your feet. However, if the symptoms persist and you’re not finding any relief, then you will need to consult a trained medical professional to determine the underlying cause and follow a treatment that is suitable for your condition.
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License