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#LeapYearProposal 10 Essential Things To Keep In Mind While Buying An Engagement Ring For Your Man

This leap year, are you planning to bend the knee and ask for your boyfriend’s hand? Well, you don’t need a leap year for that, do you? 😉 Nonetheless, since you have decided to take charge and are about to put a ring on him (!), there are a few things you must keep in mind while buying an engagement ring, especially, if you are going old-school and have elected the diamond! It is quite normal to get dazed with the range available. But to do it right, you firstly need to know your man, and then, your diamond. We can help you with the latter and also tell you how to go about the former! 😉 Simply follow the 10 pre-requisites given below.

Suggested read: 10 essential things to know before buying an engagement ring

1. Don’t tag him along!

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Image source: Pinterest

Yes, this sounds silly, but most girls who have taken matters into their own hands, failed to realize that coming with their BF to pick out a ring for him was lame! Though letting the man-to-be cherry pick his own ring ensures that it’ll fit well and will be of his choice, it completely takes away the once in a lifetime occasion for you to surprise him and also show him how well you know him. Imagine the look on his face when you propose, that too with a ring, and again one that fits him well and he will fancy?!

Pulling off this trifecta of wonders will make your man the subject of envy among his buddies. Girls around you are going to silently doff their hats to that!

2. But you don’t have to fly solo

Just because you shouldn’t take him along, doesn’t mean you need to strike the deal all alone. After all, it’s a big decision heralding a bigger decision!

There is a helluva lot of pressure put on buying an engagement ring, particularly the diamond it holds, which is fitting coz diamonds are forged when carbon is uncovered to earth-crushing pressure! 😉

We suggest you bring in someone with you who can guide you well about buying the perfect engagement ring. Take the friend who is not just a mini diamond guru but also knows your guy well, not better than you, of course! 😉

3. Set your budget

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Image source: Pinterest

Like all major purchases, men’s engagement rings are also significantly pricey. You may come across a striking ring with a basic design priced at $300. On the contrary, you may be willing and in the position to splurge money on this investment. Diamond of a higher quality, a better cut, and a unique design for the band can easily up the price by a few thousand dollars. The best way to make certain that you are spending your dough well is to set a budget that suits you and your finances before you step into your shopping shoes! Remember, there is no right or wrong expense when you are buying a ring for your S.O. But it is certainly not advisable to go overboard and part from your 6 months’ salary. At the end of the day, it is the thought that counts!

4.Consider his personal taste and lifestyle

This is very important! Rings come in different shapes and sizes. But there is only one ring that is made for him and you need to find it! A custom-made ring is also an option if you have a particular design in mind. But if not, you need to choose from the pile.

Think about what he likes wearing on an everyday basis. Does he live in his tees? If yes, a flashy diamond may not be the one for him. On the contrary, a funky ring might do the trick when you are on your knee proposing to him!

Moreover, if your S.O. is into sports or his job involves a lot of typing, a simple design is preferable compared to an elaborate one or even a ring with stones. Just small little things that make a big difference in picking the right engagement ring.

Suggested read: How to choose the perfect engagement ring for her

5. Choose the right band

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Image source: Pinterest

Now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of diamond selection.

The band is usually gold, silver or platinum, but can also be an amalgamation of other metals. When you go to finally buy that ring, make sure you aren’t taken for a ride! I mean, how would you distinguish between different metals and also have some idea about the quality? Here’s how:

  • Gold in the natural state is yellow-orange. Since it is alloyed with other metals for durability, it takes a lighter yellow hue.
  • White gold is plated with rhodium which gives it a shiny appearance. If the shine wears off, jewelers replace the ring.
  • Platinum goes best with a diamond.

6. Find out his ring size

This is where most people screw up while buying an engagement ring! You may have the perfect ring picked for him, but one that’s the wrong size ruins the moment! Imagine yourself with a bent knee near a beach trying to forcefully shove the ring up his finger! Wearing the engagement ring on the little finger is the lamest thing to do!

If you do end up with an ill-fitted ring, all is not lost. You need to go back to the jeweler, throw away some more money to either trim it down or tighten it further. However, it is best that you avoid this extra hassle and cost by being a little smarter and finding out what his ring size is!

The simplest trick is to steal one of his rings and taking that to the jeweler to get it measured. If you don’t want to ruin the surprise factor, ask a friend to do the needful!

7. Select the right gemstone

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Image source: Pinterest

Choosing the right setting is very crucial when picking engagement rings. Setting may be pronged or invisible. We suggest that you pick one that has a bezel for some redundancy, so that he can wear the ring without worrying about losing the precious stone.

According to most experts, bigger the rock, the better it is. However, it is very essential that you keep your boyfriend’s personality in mind before making the choice rather than blindly following the thumb rules.

THE 4Cs that are, cut, color, carat, and clarity of the diamond must be given special attention while picking the one for him! The 5th C that no one will tell you about is Cubic Zirconia. It is gorgeous and impossible to tell apart from a diamond except by the jeweler. This can be a good alternative for someone who is looking for a cheaper substitute. Generally Cubic Zirconia costs 5-10% of a diamond’s price.

8. Know the right cut of diamond

There are different ways of cutting a diamond, and this impacts its sparkle. The round cut produces more sparkle while the radiant cut helps to hide defects. Square, emerald, cushion, marquise, etc., are other cuts. The oval cut is sure to look great with a large stone. A high quality cut should be your priority and not the weight of the stone. Also, if the sides are placed at wrong angles, a substantial amount of light might not reflect, making the stone look faint yellowish or even give it a brown tint.

9. Arrange for a little treasure hunt

How about making the proposal more fun! I know, you proposing to him is already an unconventional thing, but why not add to that so it’s a memory you will look back on with adrenaline rushing through your veins? Turn your proposal into a mini treasure hunt. Leave cues and notes in places. Make sure the places and the hints are relevant to your relationship. When he reaches the final piece of the jigsaw, the last note could be the proposal, and the treasure, the diamond!! Nah! You! 😉

Suggested read: 15 stunning sapphire engagement rings to pop the big question

10. Bunk the diamond!

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Image source: Pinterest

Break the mold and get him something else! How about his birthstone or may be a gemstone that reminds you of him. However, make sure he approves of the color you pick for him!

This idea is great for those who see this whole shebang as a figurative thing and don’t want to blow a big wad of dollars on a ring! And you know what, you can completely do away with the idea of an engagement ring! This idea of proposing to him is a rebellious move considering that it’s a privilege men enjoy. So why do you need to do it his way?! Something to think about, eh?

This leap year, declare your love to the man you have decided to spend the rest of your life with. More than the price or the cut or how fancy the ring is, you need to keep in mind that the proposal is only symbolic. At the end of the day, it is about showing how much you love him and how badly you want to tell the world that you are taken. And all that can be done without a ring or even a ceremony! :)

Featured image source: Tashasays

Article Name
10 Things To Keep In Mind While Buying An Engagement Ring For Your Man
If you're planning on popping the question to your boyfriend, you must know these things before buying an engagement ring that suits him and his personality.
Riya Roy

Riya Roy

“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster.” This Isaac Asimov line, embraces my love for writing in the finest and most desperate way that it is and should be! I was tormented by the earnestness of the written word not very early in my journey. But once smitten, it has helped me devour life twice over; savoring the moment and indulging in its memories. As a flâneuse, I wander to understand the intricacies of human relationships. Realizing that, they are just different manifestations of the same feeling of love, has been my greatest learning. I seek to share its opulence through the words I type.