Love at first sight isn’t a myth, it happens. Happens a lot, in fact. And it can happen to anyone, sometimes without your knowledge or will.
Have you ever had that feeling when you looked at someone for the first time and instantly knew that this was it? You felt a rush in your tummy, fire in your eyes, and desire to get closer to someone? Perhaps, you simply couldn’t take your eyes off from that person, and you felt like this person is meant to be someone special in your life. That you must get to know them. That it’s imperative you have them in your life. Almost like an instinct, a stronger force telling you that you need to pursue this person, for only this person will render you any kind of happiness.
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Love at first sight is exactly this feeling you go through when you look at someone for the first time. You don’t simply get charmed by that person, but you are driven and attracted to them even before you know their name. Your eyes meet; they are fixed on each other and refuse to move away. These are just the tip of the iceberg when talking about the signs of love at first sight.
The feeling is beautiful and leaves you a tad bit crazy, but in a good way. Most often, people dismiss these feelings and argue if love at first sight is even a thing, or more importantly, is it even possible these days? Is it a true emotion or simply a stronger version of lust or obsession? It’s hard to ascertain in the beginning if these signs of love at first sight hold any good at all.
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But, let’s leave that aside for a moment. Love at first sight is definitely a thing, a warm fuzzy feeling you cannot hide, or just cannot deny. We bet you’ve felt it at some point in your life, even if you didn’t exactly acknowledge it. Perhaps, when you met someone for the first time? Or got introduced to someone new? Maybe a face you looked at in a busy train or while crossing the street? A person you bumped into at the supermarket, or saw at a noisy pub? It could be anyone, and it could be anywhere.
Here are 10 sure signs of love at first sight:
1. Butterflies in your stomach
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When you first see them, or meet them after that first time, you are often nervous and can feel your stomach griping in anxiety. The nervousness is a mix of a happiness, fear of being rejected, anxiety to make a good first impression, and the pressure to gain their attention. It’s a normal thing for you to feel butterflies in your stomach when you fall in love at first sight. The feeling is beyond description, and sometimes you yourself don’t understand what these feelings mean. It makes you happy but you also feel a little bit anxious.
2. Drawing their attention
You’d do anything to get their attention, and you most definitely want their eyes on you. So whether you try to make a conversation with them, or simply try to impress them with your charming personality, you leave no stone unturned while doing so. Your sole mission is to get them drawn towards you, and make them feel the same way that you feel about them.
3. A ‘type’ doesn’t matter
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Usually, most people have a ‘type’ when they date. If you’ve observed people who have a long dating history, you’d see that the persons they have dated in the past have some sort of similarities or traits that are common. Having a ‘type’ means having a distinctive benchmark when it comes to dating and falling for people who possess those qualities. A type can be tall people, funny people, people from a particular profession, people with common interests and the like. But if you are someone who falls in love at first sight, you may not really have a ‘type’. Because you are wild, you go with the flow! You don’t restrict yourself, and any type is your type as long as you’ve fallen in love with them in that first minute of meeting them or spotting them across the crowded room.
4. Forever on your mind
Image source: lovethisgif
You can’t seem to stop thinking about them from that very minute you set your eyes on them. They are on your mind, not just once or twice, but throughout the day, all day every day! Or maybe even for days on end. Whatever you try to do, you can’t get them out. They are stuck in your mind like a tape, and never seem to leave you from their clutches. So, no matter how hard you try to get your mind off them or distract yourself, you’d still be thinking about them.
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5. Romantic notions trump logic
Needless to say, if you are someone who truly believes in love at first sight, you are a diehard romantic. Because, for most people such a love happens only in movies with music in the background. They don’t consider these things to hold any value in real life and dismiss it. But not you. You are that romantic who is constantly singing love songs in your mind, waiting to hold hands and walk on the beach, imagining your future kids and a house, and obsessing over the color of that person’s eyes.
6. Love seems like a grand adventure
Image source: Giphy
Among the many romantic qualities you possess, you are someone who loves adventure. You thrive on it, because for you, the usual is boring. You don’t believe in casual dating, you are on the lookout for something different, something wild and something that gives you an adrenaline rush. You are ready to explore, have no inhibitions when it comes to anything, and are up for absolutely anything different from the regular. So, you don’t have preconceived notions of how your partner must be, or have any expectations in that regard. You wait to explore them and wait for them to reveal things about them that you don’t know. You take that risk and are highly adventurous. Else, you wouldn’t believe in a concept like this.
7. Everything seems positive; nothing could ever go wrong
No matter what happens, you never give up. You are a positive person and that quality shows easily. As against the many cynics who have their reservations on love, relationships, dating, and marriage, you don’t have any such apprehensions. You believe that you can achieve everything, including winning the other person’s heart, and will follow your heart to achieve it.
8. Envisioning a future with them
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You’ve spent hours, or maybe days imagining a future with this person. Actually, from the minute you set eyes on them, you have envisioned a whole lot of things. You pictured them on a date, you pictured holding hands or kissing them, you probably even pictured them undressed *wink*, and then you dreamed of settling down with them in your dream home. So, you are not only imaginative, you are positive and hopeful.
9. The attraction is real
Unlike how sometimes after the first few dates, people stop getting attracted to each other, in your case, that almost never happens. The attraction is very real and you are unable to focus on anything else if that person is around. You’d probably goof up a lot in their presence and end up looking stupid, but that means you are immensely attracted to them. The feeling is as real as it gets. It’s like an invisible magnetic attraction of some sort and you can’t seem to run away from it. Not that you are trying to, but you know.
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10. Wanting to know everything about them
Image source: Giphy
Since you first saw that person you fell in love with at first sight, you want to know everything about them. Not just their name or where they live. But what they like to eat and what’s their favorite color; you don’t fear creeping them out sometimes in an attempt to know them better. But the desire to know everything about them still persists and you don’t shy away. You have your means to get all that necessary information and there is no stopping you.
If you experience these signs of love at first sight, then there is no surprise that you are one of those dreamy, yet adventurous people who are driven by feelings. The feeling are beyond words and is something that won’t leave you easily. And you don’t mind it because you are truly enjoying the roller coaster ride of emotions you’re experiencing. Your heart races at the sight of this person and there is an instant attraction that is uncontrollable. You simply give in to it.
Love at first sight is a great feeling if you haven’t already experienced it.
Have you experienced anything like this before? Tell us your story, we’d love to hear from you.
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