It doesn’t matter how good it might seem to be with them, but then there are those moments that make you question everything about your relationship. It’s always better to catch these few signs and repair a relationship than to give up.
Take a step back to decide if you are in a failing relationship that is bound to be doomed.
1. Is your entire relationship based on a big fat lie? If you think you two are living in a bubble that might burst anytime, then there is no reason to stay together. This will only hurt the two of you in the long run. Lies can rupture even the strongest of relationships. If either one of you is being dishonest, chances are that it might not work.
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2. Do you feel lonely, even when you are with your significant other? This is one such feeling that can change everything. If they make you feel isolated, then it is high-time, you need to question your priorities.
3. Unreasonable arguments and those irrelevant fights should never be overlooked upon. If you two are fighting over every small matter, chances are that you might not make it together to make those big life-changing decisions.
4. Sex is a very significant factor to attain a long-lasting and satisfying relationship. If even after those initial sparks, your partner is getting hesitant and avoiding intimacy in the bed, then it is indeed a matter of concern. The best way to resolve this is to talk to them and figure out what they are going through in life.
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5. Conversations constitute the major part of any relationship. Try to closely listen to what your partner has to say. If they have started talking to you about generic topics and are hiding personal issues, then you must figure out a way to win their trust back. Relationship demands constant efforts, and you must not give up on them in between because your partner is finding it hard to be vulnerable in front of you once again.
Suggested read: 3 reasons why you choose to stay in a bad relationship despite knowing better
6. Emotional infidelity is one of the prime signs that you should look for if you think your partner is getting detached from you. Try to look beyond the matter of physical adultery. If they are getting emotionally attached to someone else, then it might damage your relationship, in the same way, any other kind of infidelity does.
7. If either one of you has started demanding proofs of love, then take it seriously. “If you really love me… you will do this one thing for me,” the moment you find your partner saying these words, you should let them know that loving someone doesn’t come with pre-defined conditions like these.
8. If you think your partner is disrespecting you in front of others, then you should definitely take a stand. It will start with humiliation and might result to verbal or even physical abuse. You know that you deserve better and should show your sense of worth and self-esteem to them.
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9. There are times when people emotionally blackmail their significant others. If you are experiencing the same and have started getting threats from your partner, then you should definitely have a conversation with them discussing the issue.
10. Physical violence is one of the most obvious signs of a failing relationship. The moment your partner gets physically violent, you should take a stand. No other sign can be more striking or powerful than this. You don’t deserve this. You know it – and should take a stand against abuse of any kind.
If any of these sad signs of a failing relationship seem to be the waves your boat’s riding on, it is time to paddle the oars quick to the safety of the shore. Bid the failing relationship a dignified goodbye.
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