When you are in love, nothing should come between you and your object of affection – especially not the empty space that delineates the difference in your height. The “standard” couple is usually a decently tall man partnered by a woman whose head comfortably reaches his shoulders. While others that don’t fit into this archetype – really tall men dating tiny women, or short guys dating taller girls – tend to raise eyebrows. You should never let the sheer lack of height stop you from asking out a person you feel like being with. Here are a few awesome reasons why you need to date short people:
1. There are more fish in the sea
Once you decide that you are okay with dating a person shorter than you, you have a considerably larger number of options available to you! You would realize how much you were missing out on by not going out with people shorter than you.
2. They are less intimidating
Honestly, really tall people can be a little intimidating at times. Approaching a shorter person always puts you more at ease – including when you do so to ask them out.
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3. They are so cute no matter what
We all have to agree that a short person is always cute – when they are happy, when they are angry, even when they are sad!
4. It’s easier to rest your head on their shoulder
Resting your head peacefully on their shoulder is the simplest treat you can have after a long day. And it’s so much easier to do so when said shoulder is at a comfortable height!
5. You can get them things in the kids’ section
One awesome benefit of dating a short person is having twice as much variety you have when getting them a gift – you can always hit up the kids section and come up with an item as adorable as they are!
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6. It is easier to kiss them on the forehead
Everyone loves to be kissed on their forehead. When your sweetheart is short, it makes it all the easier to give them a peck from time to time!
7. There is no need to always wear heels
Ladies, you don’t have to break your bones on annoyingly uncomfortable heels if your guy isn’t obnoxiously tall! You can comfortably prance around in your favorite flats all the time! Even if you’re not a supermodel, with the height difference, you’ll definitely feel like one.
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
8. It is easier to pick her up and spin her around
Getting all romantic and mushy is so much easier if you are with someone petite. As soon as an argument heats up, you can just pick her up and swirl her around before she loses her temper!
9. A short guy dating a taller lady is confident
Although the accepted norm is that the guy should be taller than the woman, if he chooses to go out with her based on her personality and not her height, then that guy is sure full of self-confidence. He doesn’t put much stock in physical appearance or too bothered with flexing his testosterone-fuelled muscles. If so, he is a keeper for sure!
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10. Short guys live longer
This is not something I made up for this article, but actual science! Apparently, guys who are on the shorter end of the height spectrum, on average, live almost two years longer than taller men. Wow! You get to have your man two years longer than if you’d gotten together with a tall guy.
Just because a person is short does not mean they are any less charming. When picking a date, remember – you are choosing the person, not their height!
Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License