2016 is knocking the doors and that means that another year is passing us by. I really hope that 2015 was good to you, but if you are still single and wondering if the New Year will be as lonely, I can totally feel you. This is why I have come up with a wonderful top 10 New Year’s resolutions for every single girl who secretly desires to mingle.
If you’re looking for love or you are just too tired of playing this game, don’t worry anymore. All you pretty single girls out there have come to the right place. This New Year’s Eve, let’s take a pledge to follow these wonderful ten pointers guide and voilà! By the end of 2016, you will be all set to guide other awesome singles like you.
Suggested read: How you deal with single life is determined by your Zodiac sign
1. No brooding
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Of course, you need to stop doing this. Make sure to learn how to live in the moment and enjoy what you have. After all, what do you get out of brooding over things that never happened? Happiest are the ones who can stay in the moment, accept their reality, and carve a life out of it. It is easier said than done, but how are you ever going to know the outcome if you don’t even try it out? For the sake of your own peace of mind, try not to brood and see how wonderful life shall look.
2. Say no to jerks
Some of us find it really hard to say no. You have to understand that when you are dating someone, there is no need to agree to anything and everything that they say. You will come across your share of jerks and you are not obliged to date them. Learn where to draw the line and stand up for yourself. You need to say no to those who don’t deserve to be with you. A right decision can save you a lot of unwanted hassles.
3. Self-pampering
Image source: Shutterstock
Call me a narcissist, but I believe that we all need to pamper ourselves every now and then. There is no way you can do without pampering. Let this year be the year of pampering where you will fall in love with yourself. Have you heard how important self-love is? Those who cannot love themselves are least capable of loving others. This is why you need to spend time learning how to love yourself first. Let this New Year be the time when you can enjoy the moments spent in solitude. Remember there is a huge difference between being alone and being lonely. The moment you understand this, you can start to begin sorting out your life.
4. No awkward pauses
I literally have lost count of the number of times I have let a good date go bad because of my tendency for weird questions and long awkward pauses. I often start dreaming about something else mid-conversation, which totally messes up the date. If you too often find yourself in such situations, make a resolution to avoid all such pauses. Maybe, if you can be yourself confidently and simply go with the flow, such weirdness and awkwardness will cease to exist.
5. Slow and steady
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
The key to good dating is to take it slow and steady. The matters of the heart are not meant to be rushed. You need to be very particular about the kind of guys you are dating. Just because you don’t have a date or you are not seeing someone doesn’t mean that you need to rush into the next relationship as soon as the first guy shows interest in you. The idea is to make sure that you give yourself the right time to gauge what you are feeling and if you should take it forward. This is the kind of approach you need to have. I am not saying that you will never make mistakes but we can at least cut down the probability.
Suggested read: 15 things you need to know before dating a girl who’s been single for too long
6. Stop the stalking
You really need to commit to this resolution. How often do you end up on a post from some four-odd years back as you dreamily look at the comment from your ex on Facebook? Do you end up stalking your ex’s Instagram and then chain-stalking his girlfriend and her brother and his girlfriend and what not? Stop this right away. Don’t be an online stalker because this is where you are truly digging your own grave.
7. Get rid of regrets
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Yes, make this resolution right away. What is the point in chaining yourself to regrets and thinking of all those “what ifs” and “maybes” that are never going to work out for real? Life is a journey and it is up to you to make the most of it. All of those who spend their life in regrets are not going to make it anywhere. There is a reason something or someone is no longer a part of your life and you should accept it rather than run away from it, or worse, wallow in it. This resolution alone can take you to new places in 2016, which will paint too many smiles on your pretty face. You deserve it!
8. Open up, smile, meet
Image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License
Really, dating is that simple. The idea is to take a step to actually open up. If you really want to date someone, you can’t keep yourself closed off or secluded. You will have to be sure that you are opening up and meeting new people. You must smile at others and give yourself an honest chance of making your date work. We do understand that sometimes even the thought of a date can give you cold feet, but in the end, you have to be your own hero. Let the New Year be the year of positive changes, and why not be a lot more confident and positive while you’re at it? Smile, as it helps you win half the battle.
9. Close the ex files
This is a MUST. Don’t carry old baggage. You have to be sure that you can get rid of the ex files once and for all. This New Year, welcome newness and freshness. You should not be carrying any of your old flames with you. Ever wondered what it would be like to move forward while looking backwards? You are destined to fail and this is not going to help you out. No matter how many old flames you had and regardless of the intensity with which you loved them, don’t bring them up, especially not on new dates. Trust me; no one wants to date someone who still whines over their long lost love.
Suggested read: 15 things a single secretly wants but won’t admit openly
10. You’re awesome!
Image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License
Yes, yes, and a thousand times, yes! There are no doubts about this. This year, one of your New Year’s resolutions should be to believe that you are cool, hot, and fabulous. Stop thinking that you’re not good enough to date. You’re awesome, but you are just waiting for the right person to come along. Do not let your self-consciousness become the reason for your lack of confidence. This year will be the year of reinventing yourself. Once you are comfortable in your own skin and you rock your awesomeness quotient, there is nothing that will make you fall short. The right guy will definitely come along.
Loved the above pointers? I know you did, but make sure to come back next year and tell me how amazing the year turned out to be. What is life but a little ride of some amazing times! Let us all raise our hands and spread love because we, girls, are born with hearts of gold.
Raise your fist, take an oath, coin these New Year’s resolutions and off you go. And hey, while you’re going, Happy New Year peeps! Make it a good one.
Featured image source: Pixabay, under Creative Commons License