Few joys in the world are greater than the joy of buying a new pair of shoes. However, like all good things in the world, buying shoes also comes with a clause, and a painful clause at that- shoe bites. However, worry not because we have compiled for you a list of the best home remedies for shoe bite, so that that you can show off your shoes from Day 1, without having to wait a couple of weeks to break into them.
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A shoe bite is basically a callus that develops on your foot. It usually happens on the soles of your feet, or just above your heels, places where the shoe comes into uncomfortable contact with your foot. Friction with the fabric of the shoe and your skin, which is not used to the shoe yet, can cause these bruises to appear.
However, a bruise is fine. When you develop a shoe bite, it is even worse, because you can’t wear any other shoe either because it hurts terribly. However, breaking into your shoes can take a while, and you can’t possibly go a couple of weeks without wearing proper shoes can you?
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The first thing that you must do is look up hacks which show you how to avoid shoe bites altogether. When you don’t get them, you don’t have a problem to deal with in the first place. Also, if you see that a particular pair of shoes is the root of your problem, don’t be adventurous and keep wearing those shoes, because it will only make matters worse. Wear different, more comfortable ones till your bruise heels.
Unfortunately, women, because of the ridiculous standards of beauty that they have to subscribe to, are more prone to suffer from shoe bites, because the design of women’s shoes are more fitted, narrow and structured. Here are some of the best home remedies for shoe bite which can help you get rid of the problem without having to wait for a week (you can thank me later).
1. Coconut oil
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Honestly, what would we do without coconut oil? Even if you aren’t currently suffering from something, make sure that you have a tub of coconut oil in your house for emergencies such as these, because coconut oil is the solution to everything. The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil helps bring the swelling and the redness down. It also moisturizes your skin, leaving it less prone to bruising from friction with dry skin.
Apply a little coconut oil to your bruise every time you wear shoes. You can also coat the inside of your shoes with coconut oil to prevent shoe bites from occurring in the future.
2. Ice cubes
If you are suffering from a shoe bite, an ice cube is enough to give you instant relief. Because the feet are such awkward places to get bruises in, it feels ten times more uncomfortable. Rubbing an ice cube on your wound helps.
The ice numbs the pain, and immediately reduces the swelling and the redness which you are bound to see developing soon. It also soothes the skin, which usually gets ruptured when you wear a new pair of shoes. If there is bleeding, then the ice helps it to clot faster, making it an overall wonderful remedy for your condition.
3. Aloe vera
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This soothing, healing gel is one of the best home remedies that you can check out, when you are trying to cure a shoe bite. Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as healing properties, which can cure your condition in no time. The cooling effect that it has on your skin is also useful in getting rid of the burning sensation and redness which you might experience.
Make sure you use pure aloe vera gel for this purpose. Scoop out the gel from an aloe vera leaf which has been sliced down the middle, and apply the gel directly to your injury. You will get relief in no time.
4. Honey
Honey is a wonderfully effective home remedy for bruises, injuries and wounds. This of course, includes shoe bites. Honey has some of the most wonderful healing properties, and is anti-inflammatory in nature. Shoe bites also tend to leave a dark scar in various parts of your feet, which can be avoided if you use honey as a home remedy.
Honey also moisturizes your skin and makes it soft and supple, considerably reducing the chances of getting shoe bites in the future. Mix equal parts of coconut oil or sesame oil and honey in a cup and apply this mixture to your entire foot. Wash it off after a while, and you will get relief instantly.
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5. Olive oil
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Olive oil is loaded with good compounds which have healing properties and sooth the pain, redness and swelling that is caused due to a shoe bite. Olive oil is handy for this condition, because it cures the injury, and creates a protective layer over your skin, so that the next time you wear your favorite shoes, you don’t have to pay a painful price for it.
Rub a tablespoon go warm olive oil onto your feet, especially the places which have been bruises with shoe bites. Leave it on for the night and sleep on it, while your feet soak up the goodness of the oil. You can also substitute olive oil with almond oil or sesame oil, both of which have equally healing properties.
6. Potato juice
Not many people know this, but potatoes are some of the most effective home remedies against any kind of bruising, scars or discolorations. The compounds and the starch which are present in potatoes come together to make it a great natural remedy for any bruise-related problem, including shoe bites. You don’t have to worry about scars being left on your feet because of a shoe bite, if you use potatoes.
Slice a potato into thin strips and rub the strips onto your bruise. Do this two or three times a day and you will get instant relief. You will even be able to break into your new shoes faster.
7. Indian lilac or neem
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Neem or Indian lilac is considered one of the most beneficial herbs out there because of the numerous good properties that it possesses. This herb is especially known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it an effective solution for this particular problem. It reduces swelling, pain, burning sensation, itching, redness and scarring.
You can make a soothing and healing paste with a bunch of ground up Indian lilac leaves and a pinch of turmeric and apply that to your bruises. It is also a wonderful remedy for scar removal, if you have scars left from old shoe bites.
8. Petroleum jelly
Shoe bites can often lead to excruciating pain in certain areas of your feet, which can ruin your concentration and focus and prevent you from sleeping in peace at night. If you want heal from the condition and get permanent relief from it while you are healing, then you can always use petroleum jelly. The moisturizing properties of petroleum jelly keep your skin smooth, hydrated, soft and healthy.
To get relief from shoe bites with petroleum jelly, you only have to rub a little petroleum jelly on your heel, your toes and the places which have been affected, and you are good to go!
9. Lemon
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Lemons are not only yummy and nutritious, but they also contain compounds which can heal a number of physical problems such as shoe bites. The soothing, cooling and fresh nature of lemons helps the skin heal much faster than it otherwise would have. Lemons can also be used to treat other foot-related problems such as corns, calluses and foot ache.
You can squeeze out the juice from an entire lemon and rub that on your feet. You can also add lemon oil to a little olive oil and use that as a healing balm for your bruised feet and get effective relief.
Suggested read: 10 Easy Home Remedies For Foot Care For Healthy, Happy Feet
10. Toothpaste
If you are thinking I am joking with you by recommending toothpaste for your feet, trust me, I am not. Toothpaste is one of the fastest and most effective home remedies for all inflammatory problems. If you are experiencing a burning sensation because of your shoe bite, then using toothpaste can solve that within a matter of seconds. It also cools down your skin, till you find a better remedy to heal it on a deeper level.
All you need to do is apply a generous amount of toothpaste to your feet, in places which have been hurt because of your new shoes, and you are good to go for the rest of the day!
If these home remedies for shoe bite sound deceptively simple, you will also be pleased to know that they have been tried and tested by a million people, and they are all highly effective. You can now tackle your shoe bite at home, with things you can find everywhere!
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