To all fat girls, with love –
If you are fat like me, or used to be like some other lucky ex-members of our club who probably bribed the weighing scale to flash skinny, you know the forever-itch to lose weight. And know it quite well. Shedding those extra pounds so we don’t have to hide in the shadows, be whisked to dorm rooms and apartments under the cover of night, and then, sent right back in the wee hours of the morning lest some frat bro or roommate belittle the conquest of our douchebag date, used to be our ONLY wish in life.
Sad? You bet.
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I use past tense coz I no longer wish the same. I am done dating dozens of d**kheads who’d come back to the proverbial well to drink from the pails-of-fun spilling from all over me but would want nothing to do with me after a fun-night-ride where his d**k-flexion kinda failed the test! I am also done dating the tonnes of others who’d deny that I am fat and insist that I am beautiful!
Suggested read: I am a fit, fat, and fab bride – and I won’t diet
I say I can be both. I am fat and beautiful. And I am not gonna let any f**king ba***rd tell me otherwise.
And so should you. Any man worth your time will revel in every inch of you. And trust me, that breed of men exists.
To the men –
Dating a fat girl may not fall under your quintessential notion of ‘achievement.’ But who made skinny girls queens of the world anyway! No, I am not ranting – coz I myself find the bitter ‘only dogs like bones-but lions like flesh’ kind of token consolatory refrains mean and derogatory! And to both sides! But there is an undeniable stigma attached to dating a fat girl – like we can be ‘oodles’ of fun to pick for a night but never worthy of being on your arm on date nights or introduced to your friends, much less grace wedding pictures!
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I don’t think you really know the truth about dating fat girls. Or even if you do, you have the know-how for dating one. But most of all, I think you haven’t ever been told ‘why’ to date a fat girl! Sure, dating a skinny chick may seem like something to brag about – but both you and I know that REAL relationships need more than plain vital stats. So, let’s get to the weigh-tier stuff!
Today, I will answer the big, fat ‘WHY’ about dating fat girls. Not because this is my written plea for dates (I am happily dating a man who tells me I am fat and beautiful, and loves all the inches spilling my outsides), but because some of you might be making my fellow sisters struggle with the same sort of body image issues I had in the beginning. They will snap out without any help from you – but you need to pull your brains out of the trashcan too!
So for those of you who are too ashamed of dating a fat girl, maybe this will help open those locked trashcans a bit:
1. An easy Hi
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Ever felt your throat dry up at the thought of walking up to the ultra-hot yoga babe at the counter? Well, you will never have that problem with us. We will greet you with a smile and perhaps, be more forthcoming with the digits to dial. Just don’t be a creep and invite us to kick you in the shins. That ‘Hi’ will hurt and how! Else, it’s pretty darned easy, you see. We are wearing a smile all the freakin’ time.
2. Goodbye calorie counting
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Whether you are eyeing the pot roast or want a draft beer, we aren’t counting calories – not even yours. So, you can dig into as many sumptuous dishes as your heart craves, and on top of it, we will give you company. Also, we know all the best places to eat, without burning a hole in the pocket. Now that’s a plus – you see!
3. The adventure’s on
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With a fat girl by your side, you will never have to worry about any of those outdoorsy stuff on your to-do list before you hit 30. She is an adrenaline junkie and will never say no to any adventure – coz hey, she isn’t worried about breaking her heel and twisting that ankle. She will strap on those running shoes and will be sprinting by your side. Gasping a li’l – but still there!
4. Workout buddies and more
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A fat girl is aware of the importance of being fit. So she brings in the fat = fit equation in her life by making up for all the hogging in the workout department. She won’t even say no to juice cleanses once a week. So, if you’d been wanting to hop onto that treadmill for days or do those crunches, voila, you got a workout buddy, matey!
Suggested read: Are you dating a fitness freak? Here’s what you NEED to know
5. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach
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And fat girls know this ohh-so-well. They can have that ohh-so-sexy strut about the kitchen while some really yum dishes get spread out on the table. Butter your loaf? Sure, she’ll do that! Maybe more!
6. Refill? Sure
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Never ever do you have to worry about ordering those cocktails, margaritas or any other drink that Skinny Marg orders. A fat girl is going to sit with you, downing pitchers of beer like a bro. Plus, since she doesn’t starve herself either, she can hold the booze too!
7. Not a damsel in distress
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Pressure? Bring it on, we say. Unlike delicate darlas who need you to ‘protect’ them, we are tough cookies who do not snap in two in the face of difficulty. Sure, we have our moments where we cry help – but more often than not, we will do it just to massage that male ego of yours!
8. We will rip-your-pants with laughter and more
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Ever walked about with your bootilicious babe arm-in-arm at the supermarket? Noticed the number of fleshrockets wanting to drill what you got? Now, now, are you grinning? Plus, most of us have a rib-cracking sense of humor – so we are sure splitting those flies wide open – one way or the other.
9. Cuddly-snuggly
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There’s a reason baby got back got so famous. You see more cushin’ for the pushin’ is always welcome. Especially during those long, chilly wintry nights when everything is nippy. All you gotta do is snuggle up with us – and ooh – warmth… and maybe whatever comes next, naturally!
Suggested read: 12 women reveal what drove them to cheat on their partners
10. And ooh – the sex
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And of course, there’s no bones about it – your bone’s gonna get some meat and how. First of all, amazing heads! Second, the body slamming can be dished out and we can sure as hell take it. Rough? No problem! Third, if you are going down and lift our over-a-buck-ninety b*tt cheeks to snack up – well, you have a meal and a workout combo rolled-in-one. Don’t believe me, watch your biceps flex and pump next time! And last, that glistening sweaty body and that satisfied expression speak up for themselves!
So I guess what I am saying is – a fat girl is PHAT. More power to PHAT-ties!
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